Typically, there is a split seen between theory and practice. This is one of the huge splits that has caused the duality in the world. Theory roughly equates to rationalism, which roughly equates to Eastern Philosophy. Practice roughly equates to empericism, which roughly equates to Western Philosophy. Oddly enough, Eastern philosophy teaches, as its goal, to NOT THINK and JUST BE. It seems the conclusion of rationalism is something like empericism! Western philosophy teaches that subjectivity should be weeded out through objectively provable systems. These systems are grounded in solid theory. It seems the conclusion of empericism is something like rationalism!

The split remains because it is a rare thing to see, and admit, that the apparent dualism is no dualism at all. Only dualistic in words. Thus, you get followers of the East criticizing Western thought, and followers of the West criticizing Eastern thought. All too often you will see a follower of Eastern thought on his sort of passive-aggressive high horse, saying something like “You’re thinking too much! Just be!” The other side of the coin is the directly arrogant student of the West, who will call your thought “nonsense,” or something of that nature. It is a rare thing, indeed, to not classify other as wrong, or some sort of negative label.

Allow me to show a very basic process for how you can combine Theory and Practice, into a workable system that is both rationally sensible and practically provable. Assuming you have not already attained non-dual awareness, it must start with theory. In your theorizing, realize that your theory does not differ from the practical life experience. Try to see your life from an un-biased perspective, and come up with a theory that makes sense, and sounds pleasing. When you feel you have come up with a complete theory, stop the incessent need to perfect it. If a thought occurs to you, there is no reason to deny it. If you feel it is a GOOD thought, absorb it. If you feel it is not, do your best to ignore it. At this point, try to live life, and allow your feelings to guide you. Follow positive feeligns. This is where you ride the practical wave of the theory, and see its fulfillment. When you hit a sort of wall, this is when you must improve upon your theory. Do that, while not forgetting to live your life, and eventually you will feel complete again, and then ride that wave. The process repeats infinitely, for eternity.