Category: Politics

I have integrated the 8-Circuit Model Of Consciousness, originally developed by Timothy Leary, into my thinking a great deal. I have, therefore, began referencing it in various writings of mine. A couple individuals have asked that I explain this model. This seemed to be a good idea. In this post I will give a basic overview of the system, and then break down the four “larval” or “hive” circuits, which are the circuits that are typical among Modern-day humans. I don’t give a detailed analysis of the Post-Hive/Post-Terrestrial Circuits in this post. This is mostly because the thread was already quite long. Plus, each Post-Larval Circuit itself is a lot to take in, as each circuit from here on out represents an evolution as significant as the evolution from cellular life to amphibians, or monkeys to humans. I will explain these Circuits later, though.

Humans are adjusted to larval existence, based on survival needs of the lower four circuits. These circuits bring about rigid newtonian structures and models of thought. These four circuits are designed for the survival of the species in terrestrial-space, on the womb-planet. These four circuits are generally standard in the Modern-Human. There are four Post-Larval, Post-Hive, or Post-Terrestrial Circuits that represent future development in the species. Each of the eight circuits has three essential stages. These stages are passive-receptivity, active integration/understanding, and communication/linkage. This can be compared with the three anatomical and functional divisions of the neuron, which is the basic unit of biological contelligence. The dentrite system receives signals; the cell-body stores, integrates, and interprets incoming signals; the axon transmits the message. This demonstrates perfectly how the exo-psychological system is mirrored perfectly in the neural system. Each neuron, each circuit, and the nervous system in its totality is divided into these three functions.

There are certain key points in the development of the individual that are crucial. These points are when a new circuit of consciousness is being activated, and it puts the Nervous System into a state of hyper-sensitivity. Examples of these times include when you are a newborn, as well as when you begin to develop sexuality. In this period of hyper-sensitivity, you become ultra sensitive to your surroundings. Whatever coincidental, accidental environment you find yourself in at this time imprints your nervous system, and that determines who you are, and what reality you inhabit, for the rest of your life. This barring the event of some other event occurring later in your life that also puts your Nervous System into this state of hyper-sensitivity, that also allows for re-imprinting. I speak here of things such as a near-death experience, or something shocking, of that nature. Now this is a neuro-chemical response in the body, that puts one into this hyper-sensitive state in which one is open to imprinting. One can chemically induce this state through the use of psychedelics, and weed to a lesser degree. If you learn how to intelligently use these substances, you can consciously imprint your Nervous System in any way you would like, and make your Self into anything you would like. These substances also activate the higher, Post-Terrestrial Circuits of Consciousness.

1st Circuit – This is the bio-survival circuit. In the evolution of the species, this circuit first appears along in cellular life, and then develops into fish life, and then culminates in amphibian life. In the individual, this circuit is activated in the new-born. Its culmination is found when the child begins crawling. This circuit is all about physical safety and survival. One’s basic sense of trust-distrust with the world and its inhabitants is imprinted into this circuit. The mother is the standard object of first circuit imprinting.

2nd Circuit – This is the motion-emotion circuit. In the evolution of the species, this circuit appears in various land-animals, and culminates with the appearance of the primate.   In the individual this circuit develops as the child learns how to walk and run, as well as when he learns emotional games, and understands the concepts of winning vs. losing, getting what you want vs. being submissive to another. One’s basic emotional disposition and level of confidence, or feelings of submission/dominance, are imprinted into this circuit.

3rd circuit – This is the circuit of symbol/artifact manipulation, and conceptual thinking. In the species, this circuit is first activated in the paleolithic era, with early humans beginning to use the most basic tools. It reaches its culmination when humans group together to create a division of labor. In the individual, this circuit is activated approximately from the ages of 3-5, when the child begins speaking, and beginning to think, and be curious, conceptually. This circuit basically represents the intellect, or the thinking mind. One’s basic level and type of intelligence are imprinted into this circuit. I find it fascinating that one’s basic level and type of intelligence are wide-open in the potential of the human brain, and yet is basically entirely determined by the age of 5.

4th circuit – This is the socio-sexual circuit. One’s sexual role and place in the context of society is imprinted into this circuit. In the species, this circuit first appears in the governing of the kings, or the aristocracy. It develops into democracy, and reaches its culmination in insectoid-socialism. In the individual, this circuit begins its activation with puberty, and progresses into family-domestication. Notice that THIS IS WHERE WE ARE RIGHT NOW, as a society. We are at the very end of larval-existence.

Note also that all previous evolution was based on collectives. Not so with post-larval circuits. These are individual in nature. I prefer to call post-larval circuits post-hive circuits, and this term emphasizes the individual nature of these circuits. This is why it is our job, as individuals, to begin working on understanding, activating, and integrating these higher circuits of consciousness. Detach from larval collectives, and do everything you can to evolve your Self. The species will thank you, as what you do will fabricate future developments in the species.

This is an audio segment from Timothy Leary’s “How To Operate Your Brain,” with my visual work done over it to correspond to his words, as well as to help stimulate certain thoughts and feelings to help you get the most out of it. This segment deals primarily with the importance of your eyes, and what they see, as well as how to use them. Who controls your eyes controls your mind, controls your reality. Our minds, and consequently our realities, are being formulated by establishment TV corporations, as well as political, religious, and educational authorities. We need to take control of our own eyes, our own brains, and our own realities. I intend to further learn audio/visual editing techniques, and continue making new and unique videos. I’d really appreciate it if you watch it and let me know what you think! 😀 😎

Politics, as well as all emotions, stem from our monkey-brains. In the evolutionary timeline, there are certain points of time that mark a significant evolutionary leap, as it coincides with a widespread activation of a new circuit of consciousness. The second circuit of consciousness coincides with, in terms of the evolution of the species, primates. I call this the “monkey-brain.” This circuit represents muscular-locomotive power, and with this development comes dominance and submission. In the human-species today, the remnants of our monkey-brain can be found perhaps most blatantly in politics. This is why politics has such emphasis on territorial and ideological dominance. This is where the appeal to patriotism comes from, as well as our never-ending wars, and our legislation of hive-morality, as in the case of, for instance, the drug-war. This same circuit is responsible for all emotions. This is why politicians constantly appeal to our emotions. In the evolutionary timeline, politicians are primitive-children, and they appeal to your childlike primitive ways of thinking. I say it’s about time we grow up as a species, and stop letting primitive-children run our lives.

Now, it is important to note that we do all have this circuit of consciousness within ourselves, and so I am not saying that it, or our emotions, is ‘bad’, simply that it is being misused. The real problem is that this primitive-establishment is stifling the next step of our evolution, which is currently taking place, but is being made difficult by the political establishments. This is the true reason for the war on drugs, with its emphasis on marijuana and psychedelics. This evolution was sparked off on a wide scale in the 60’s, with the help of marijuana and psychedelics. The future evolution of humanity is INDIVIDUAL in nature, as opposed to all previous evolution which was dependent on the collective. Weed and psychedelics activate higher circuits of consciousness, that assist in this individual-consciousness evolution. The government saw first hand what happens when people use these drugs, and begin activating these circuits of consciousness: people stop caring about blindly listening to and following the society and the government. So they quickly started an all-out war against marijuana and psychedelics, with claims of moral reasoning, but this act in truth is an ALL OUT ATTACK ON OUR EVOLUTION, in order to maintain their own power.

The Constitution is only a symbol, or at least that is the case now. When the politicians say that they are going to uphold the constitution, it is a meaningless statement. There is no following of the constitution anymore, in any real sense. If we followed the constitution, 90% of what our government does wouldn’t be done. When politicians talk about the constitution, they mean it only as a symbol. They mean some arbitrary and vague general term which roughly means “The American Way,” which is meant the politicians’ own way that they have determined, independent of the actual constitution or the people. This is part of the way they deceive us. They say “The Constitution,” but they have a completely different/false meaning. They don’t actually mean the document called The Constitution. They just mean some vague idea, and they use “The Constitution” as a symbol for it.