Archive for December, 2011

What is it that makes the idea of lucid dreaming so attractive? I would say the attractions include the fact that there are no consequences to your actions, and no guilt. This is aided by the fact that there aren’t, in truth, any other people, that you would have to worry about reacting negatively or thinking bad about you. The other aspect is that it is not “real.” This concept of “reality” does a lot in terms of holding us back from deriving maximum enjoyment out of life. If we want to make our actual lives more exciting, like a lucid dream, we should seek to employ, as much as we can, these same conceptions into our waking life. Feel no guilt for anything you have done, are doing, or will do. Do not think of consequences whatsoever. Remove the conception of “other people” in your reality. If there are no other people, then there is no risk of negative reaction by others; there is only your own negativity, which is easily avoided if the idea of there being other people is removed. We must also detach from our notions of reality, or what is real.

There is a great distinction between fantasy and reality; we always prefer fantasies. Our notions of reality prevent us from making these fantasies reality, and often prevent us from even enjoying our fantasies in our heads. A fantasy is perfect; no fault can be found in a fantasy. Problems only arise when the fantasy is contrasted with the reality. Reality should be seen as being in quotes, a term used only because it is the term commonly used; it has no real meaning. It is an arbitrary term referring to an unreal and arbitrary concept. Fantasy need not be put in quotations; a fantasy is perfect. The only flaw one could find in a “fantasy” is that it is opposed to reality. Remove this distinction by removing belief in “real things,” or “the real world.” Then there is only fantasy. You still inhabit reality, but now you clearly understand that “reality” is an unreal concept, only used because it is common.

A common reaction to what I am saying is that I am speaking of selfishness, at the expense of others. This notion, at least in the way which one who has it would likely see it, is untrue. There are a few ways of explaining why this is the case. First and most simply, how “self-absorbed” you are depends on what your fantasies are. My absolute ideal reality, my perfect fantasy, includes me helping humanity as much as I can possibly imagine. Helping humanity is part of my fantasy; it is, in fact, probably the most integral part. The second aspect is this; this idea of fantasies being “selfish,” as seems to be the default reaction, is only a temporary phenomena. Whatever these selfish fantasies are you are imagining, would they hold that same tantalizing pull over you forever? Or once you indulged, would it not have such a hold on you? I believe that allowing ourselves to indulge in our fantasies is the greatest tool in removing their debilitating pull over us. This frees up vast amounts of energies to allow us to do more “useful” things, in a way that we are completely absorbed in them, and satisfied.

Also, when I say “other people don’t exist,” I merely mean that they are representations of me, and not separate. If they are me, then how can I treat them badly? It would be treating me badly. I should treat them good, and try to make them happy and joyful, correct? So if I should try to make others happy and joyful, because they are me, then doesn’t it follow that I should make myself happy and joyful too?

These(quite natural) assumptions of selfishness at the expense of others are only the result of not following this logic all the way through. I would not, indeed can not, harm others. It is senseless! They are me! I should do everything I can to make others happy. Yet I must pursue my own happiness with the same tenacity that I try to make others happy. I must forgive others for everything, past, present and future. So too I must forgive myself for everything, past, present and future. After all, am I not them?


An object arises
Its disintegration looms just ahead
My focus shifts
It is gone, back into the undifferentiated energy field
Its existence lies only in my mind
I stop projecting
All is gone

External is the illusion
There is only within
I am that which I seek
Yet I’m the one looking
Awareness turned on itself
There is only consciousness

Time to Pretend

Self is a part
The result of fragmentation
I give up differentiation
And find a new appreciation
For life without ‘I’
Only he who is nothing
Can be anything
An ecstatic interweaving of endless roles
A cosmic dance of temporary identity
There is no me
I am gone
Time to pretend

The idea is to remove any feeling of being “pulled” towards anything. This seems to be a self-denial, but in truth it is the ultimate self-empowerment. In any given moment, there are many options of what we could be doing. To feel a pull towards something, and pursue it, SEEMS to be an act of pursuing self-interests. In fact, it is a denial of perfect self-interests. This is similar to, and in relation to, the concept of me(my self) being everything. If I am everything, which is to say I am reality itself, in its fullness, then the very act of me being pulled to something, or pursuing something, is to say that I have to work for it. If I have to work for it, then that is a concession of me being something less than the supreme. The very act of me going out of my way in pursuit of something is to say that reality RIGHT NOW(in this VERY moment. Not even a second ago) is not giving me what I want, and therefore there is some sort of separation between reality and my self. Since I am the one who is working for the thing that I am being pulled towards, that is to say that that which is outside of me is superior to me. Upon mastery of what appears to be the ultimate self-denial, there is the supreme self-empowerment. You can look at these things in terms of denial, or in terms of supreme fulfillment. So, I must lose any sort of pull to anything outside of me. Since we so associate that which we desire with things outside of us, it is very difficult to see how this is not a denial of self. I think this is one of the most difficult things to master, and something that we are constantly working to refine. If you feel a pull to something outside of you, but it is not easily giving itself to you, then it is not worth your time. I feel once you have mastered the essential concepts, and are in the process of refining the subtleties, it is best to look at these in terms of self-affirmation. To someone who does not understand, or thinks you do not understand, the underlying concepts, it may sound some sort of cocky way. But that is the point. In truth, we have moved beyond any sort of feeling of “superiority,” so now it is sometimes best to put things in these terms to make you EXCITED and HAPPY about these things. You could word the exact same thing in a different way, that would sound “nicer,” but since we’re saying the same thing we may as well say it in the most enticing way.

So, in the case that I mentioned, of being pulled to something that is not easily giving itself to you. As I said, it is not worth your time. The goal now that you have realized the supreme unity, is to yourself be the supreme in its fullness. In order for you to do this, all notions of having to work for something must be removed. If you are the supreme in its fullness, everything you want should be given to you, effortlessly. This is the experience of the supreme. Throughout all of our existence, we are constantly bending around reality, although it appears to be done out of arrogant and selfish ways. This is an important experience, as we need to experience all ways of being. But in pursuit of the supreme, it is important to understand the implications of the great unity. If all is one, then we can bend around reality, reality can bend around us, or some sort of a mix. If we are to be the supreme, and manifest the perfect reality, we would have to say that reality would completely bend around us. Reality would simply give us everything we could ever desire, without our having to go out of our way for it at all. How can this be done? The only way it could be done, is if we lose all pull to anything outside of our self. Show reality that we are ready to be the supreme, by acting supremely. If I am the supreme, then everything would WANT my attention. Therefore, for me to go out of my way for something or someone would be anti-thetical to being the supreme. I am the supreme. Therefore, I need not pursue anything else. Nothing can have any sort of pull on me, for that would just be searching for my self outside of myself, which wouldn’t make sense. Perfect this ability, which appears to be the ultimate self-denial, and watch as reality bends to your whims, thereby being the perfect self-fulfillment.

Life is a show put on for me. Or, if I’m playing the game of “you” being a separate person from “me” who is going to read my post, then I could say that it is a show put on for you, from your perspective. But I am you, and you are me, and these distinctions are just arbitrary and silly game terminology. Everyone is acting. It’s almost poor acting, because it is obvious, when it is seen. Consider it an informal play. It is my own consciousness putting on the play for itself. It’s not concerned with doing it perfectly, because the play is for him/her-self, so there is noone to judge it.

Reality and its occupants are seemingly conscious of the fact that it’s a play, and it is so deeply engrained into reality that the consciousness sees no reason to openly discuss it, as it is the underlying assumption that is always obviously known. There are sort of gaps in the play, though, where people who the one consciousness is playing will quite openly and candidly talk to each other, sort of breaking character. Yet they never seem to really give it their full attention. It’s almost as if they/(s)he is trying to keep the play somewhat hidden, and so when character is broken they have to kind of act like they are paying attention to something else, so attention isn’t drawn to it.

When you see clearly that it’s all a play, it’s like there is a huge secret between you and the consciousness that penetrates reality, or all of reality and its inhabitants. (S)he doesn’t make any attempt to hide it, really, just doesn’t usually openly discuss it with you. When you first see it, you’re overcome with the feeling that it’s all so strange. If you can maintain awareness of the play, though, you can become engrossed in it, because you’re acting too. Life becomes very enjoyable and silly at this point, as you lose all fear of consequences or of doing or saying the wrong thing. It becomes somewhat hysterical, because you’re fully conscious of the fact that you’re just acting/playing, and you can be any character you want, and everyone is just acting/playing with you. The strangeness is that you are still occupying what you have known as the “real” world, despite the obviousness of being in a play.

Don’t consider this just theory. I’m not saying all of this just as hypothetical word-philosophy. This is the way reality is always working, for all of us. Don’t think of this as just interesting words to read. Pay attention in your life! Try to see with the whole of your consciousness, unclouded. When you really penetrate through the illusion, it’s an incredible experience. My work is to try to maintain this awareness, and plunge the depths of the rabbit hole further and further.

I glimpse a world beyond
It is here!
Its inhabitants reach out to me
I am gone, ascended to higher planes
Time flows on, and the world regains its footing
Where did it go?

I Remain

One day I will grow old, and whither away
But don’t fret, it will be okay
For my form is simply clothing
The outer shell of who I am
Look into my eyes, gaze upon the window to my soul
Search the depths of my being, and you will find no end
The clothes may be removed, but I remain
Illusion fades away
Truth stays the same

The goal is immersion into reality. When you are immersed, there is no conscious individual effort, nor is there resistance. This is the flow of reality. All will must be removed. Don’t think, for there are no decisions to be made. Your natural state is the same as all of reality, and therefore it has the power of reality behind it. It is your will, and your need to differentiate and choose between possibilities generated by your own differentiations that limits you.

Nothing is lost with immersion and loss of sense of self and thought-driven action. That’s the trick. Your mind is going to tell you some story about how it is what allows you to determine what is best for you and how to pursue it, and that is going to create resistence from becoming immersed. Your natural flow will produce far greater decisions and results than your analytical mind ever could. It’s about remembering that the goal is immersion, and trusting that there is a power in your natural state of being in the flow far greater than your analyical mind and the resulting intentions and will. Become immersed, and you can see for yourself how wonderful it is. Everything works out perfectly on its own. Act naturally, without thought or intention, and it will be as if “your” doings are no different than what is going on “outside of you.” It may seem strange, but if you work at this you will find that things are much better this way, and in fact you make the perfect choices naturally, better than you would if you were using your thoughts.


Attraction that spans the universe
Drawing into itself all of space and time
An orgasm in the coming together of soul and existence itself
You are a nothingness consisting of both infinity and eternity
I am all, and so need nothing