Category: Post-Terrestrial

Neurologically speaking, dopamine and serotonin are two of the primary NeuroTransmitters. Really Neuro-Psychology is a complex game, involving many potential variables and interactive mechanisms. Nonetheless, I am writing this to provide some basic NeuroLogical structure to this common knowledge of the brain, and the nervous system.

Now, let us explore the repetition of habit vs. novelty, and our pursuit and avoidance of each. These basic principles would hold true in both spatial and temporal dimensions. Dopamine, Dopa, sets off our projected fulfillment mechanisms. Based on past conditioning, we create an ‘object’ or ‘process’ to associate with the essential want or need that we feel. When we see a girl who we find attractive, we begin getting excited. We have been conditioned to be attracted to this ‘object’, or ‘process,’ and the dopamine starts going off when it is perceived as being possible.

Now, Serotonin is designed to associate with actual experiences of pleasure. When you are actually being fulfilled in your desires, the serotonin starts flowing. Now, you may perceive something you desire, and start using up some Dopamine. But if you are not being fulfilled, not getting that Serotonin kick, you’re gonna trend towards what they call ‘novelty addiction.’ Novelty is basically good, it is only ‘bad’ when we cannot be fulfilled in our desires. Thus the push is to deny our desires, rather increase the potential for fulfilling those desires. This is where we go wrong as a society. And, looking at these basic principles of Neuro-Psychology, we can describe its process and reasoning intelligently and specifically.

“Secret of the Golden Flower” is a brilliant chinese alchemical text, and I am going to explain some of the principles mentioned within it. What it calls the Heavenly Heart refers to the pineal gland, or the third eye. This is an electro-magnetic navigator. It is connected to undistorted space-time signalry, which is the 4th dimension. The 3rd dimension is actually the product of space-time distortion; the space-time itself exists, in non-distorted form, in a 4th dimension. The 4th dimension consists of the inter-play of the pure elements of reality, without distortion. 3rd dimensional reality consists entirely of the distortion of these signals by the interplay of electro-magnetic forces between 3-dimensional bodies. In “Secret of the Golden Flower,” a text on Chinese Alchemy, the pineal gland, or third eye, is called the Heavenly Heart. It is further called seed-water, eros.

When space-time creatively expresses itself in 3-dimensional space, a dichotomy is created. One manifestation of this dichotomy is between anima and animus. Animus is the masculine principle, of heaven. Anima is the feminine principle, of earth. The anima is the substrate of form. She is the essence of change itself, and is found within the body.

The pineal gland is related to the eyes. The eyes are like emissaries for the third-eye. The eyes, as pineal emissaries, are designed to specifically tune in to a defined range of electro-magnetic signals. The pineal gland, being in touch with the periodic cycles of the elements, is able to take in information from this limited band-width and sort it according to these patterns, which are found everywhere, at all scales. This ‘Heavenly Heart’ is the dwelling of the animus. The animus lives in the eyes during the day, and is what allows us to see. At night, it is what gives us our dreams.

There is an energy center inside of your stomach about an inch inside. This is sometimes called the tan t’ien, in Zen and other schools. “Secret of the Golden Flower”  calls this thought-earth, the Heavenly Heart of the middle house. This is the house of wu wei, effortless effort, doing without doing. It is the energy-center of intuition. The dwelling place of the anima is in the heart, called ‘the lower heart’ in chinese alchemy. Here is the energy-center of our desire, of our raw passions and emotions. It is here where our bare humanity lies. In your throat is the energy center for self-expression and creativity. This is called spirit-fire, and it is the light, the logos, or the word.

The basic method is circulating light and energy through the pineal gland, through which one gains mastery of the anima, which is the principle of limitation. From Secret of the Golden Flower, “If this method is followed, plenty of seed-water will be present of itself; the spirit-fire will be ignited, and the thought-earth will solidify and crystallize. And thus can the holy fruit mature.”
The meaning is this.
‘Plenty of seed-water will be present of itself”: Through circulating light and energy through the pineal gland, you will naturally be in tune with the patterns of reality. You’ll be in harmony with the Universe.
“The spirit-fire will be ignited”: You will gain touch with the essence of true creativity. Self-expression will flow through you, as if you are a conduit for the energies of the Universe-at-large.
“The thought-earth will solidify and crystallize”: Your very instincts will begin to function according to the patterns of the Universe. Therefore, you will have succeeded in bringing undistorted ‘heavenly’ signals, or elements of 4th-dimensional space-time, into this very physical world.

The phases of the Moon represent the cycles of time itself. From these cycles, all time flows. From the biggest to the smallest scales, as a fractal, all things flow according to these cycles. The image of Tao, with its yin and yang, represent the flowing of this process. You can see the cycles in the Trigrams of the I Ching. The Waxing Moon, as the moon is growing, represents the increase of yang-energy. The Waning Moon represents the increasing yin-energy.

The I Ching trigram is a diagram of the flowing of the times, the seasons, the play of energy-essences. The solid line represents yang-energy, and the split line represents yin-energy. Here is a key to interpretation. The bottom line represents self-expression, as in the subject The top line represents the object, as in object of awareness. The middle line represents the meeting of the subject and object, the verb, activity. In the first sentence of trigram interpretation, I will break down the meaning of each line of the trigram according to the structure bottom-middle-top.

Earth: yin-yin-yin: No self-expression, nothing to do, nothing to observe
This represents the Dark Moon and the New Moon. Notice the total yin-energy, ‘darkness,’ silence. It represents a sort of extreme passivity, or acceptance of all. Since is the transition point linking the end point and the beginning point, this is the ultimate complexity. This means that the yin, feminine, Goddess is technically more primary, or ultimate.

Thunder: yang-yin-yin: Self-expression, nothing to do, nothing to observe
Waxing crescent moon, occurs in the beginning of the process of increasing visibility, amount of light. The yang energy is beginning its ascent. Life is beginning to flower. It represents an inner passion. A territorial sense, desiring freedom of movement and expression. beginning of the ‘God’ chasing the ‘Goddess,’ the masculine principle

 Water: yin-yang-yin: No self-expression, activity, nothing to observe
Waxing Half Moon, of increasing light. Immersion into reality. When doing something, there is only that doing. When writing, just writing.

 Mountain: yin-yin-yang: No self-expression, no activity, something to observe
Waxing Gibbous moon, nearing complete light. In awe of the magnificence of what is naturally there. Awareness.

 Lake: yang-yang-yin: Self-expression, activity, nothing to observe
Full Moon, complete light. Self-chosen activity. Conscious decision-making.

Fire: yang-yin-yang: Self-expression, no activity, something to observe
Waning Gibbous Moon, decreasing light. Watching and feeling, but doing nothing. Self-expression fulfilled through observation.

 Wind: yin-yang-yang: No self-expression, activity, something to observe
Waning Half Moon, decreasing light. Read and react. Play-acting. Maya- illusion. Lila, reality-as-a-play.

 Heaven: yang-yang-yang: Self-expression, activity, something to observe
Perfect unity. Personal preferences guide actions, and it fits perfectly with the situation you are in, and the people, who are in full agreement.

So this is the basic pattern through which time travels. These are the ‘seasons’ of nature and life. This process and these elements are the source of all mythology, rituals, and general compulsions. At any scale of time, or any scale in space, range of influence, reality functions through this essential process.

Let me try to paint a brief visual picture, for the purposes of assisting in understanding some of what I am about to talk about. Imagine a dot sitting in the center of two circles that surround it. This ‘dot’ is your center, your true nature. It is choiceless awareness, the flow, what comes before all perception and thought. The circle nearest the center is your mental overlay on reality, your ego-intention. The more you place your concepts over reality, and the more you act out of ego-intention, the further out this circle goes. The further out circle is perceptual intensity. Through deviating from the center in mental overlay and ego-intention, the inner-circle expands, which decreases the relative intensity of perception, since as it expands it goes nearer to that circle. You can see, then, that there is an inverse relationship between perceptual intensity and the amount of mental overlay and ego-intention.

Thinking about reality in terms of preferences increases the ego-circle, as does activity just for activity’s sake, as well as trying to force thought or action in response to uncertainty or confusion. A decrease in relative intensity of perception creates dullness, and also causes reality to work less hard for your attention. Perceptual intensity can be interpreted as how hard reality works for your attention. It often plays off things you want, but at less intense levels it generally alludes to things you want, to stir up mental activity without actually bringing about fulfillment. When we continuously deviate from center chasing after un-fulfilling allusions to things we would like, reality sees that it doesn’t have to give you much to get your attention, and so it continues to give you things of the same degree of intensity.

Through remaining centered during these references, reality sees it must work harder for your attention, and so higher levels of perceptual intensity come about, increasing the amount of true fulfillment. Perceptual intensity tends to be somewhat static, but if we can remain centered during these standard levels of perceptual intensity, this will increase energy levels through increasing perceptual intensity. When a relative increase to perceptual intensity occurs, become single-pointedly focused on that perception, without mental overlay. This will allow you to ‘soak in’ the higher energy levels, without being deviated from center.

The perfection of society is on the horizon. It will largely be facilitated through the Internet. There will be a database of sorts that everyone will be connected to, or at least have the option of being connected to. In this database, virtually every aspect of life will be listed as categories for you to rate and give your opinion on. Everything from economic and social policies of government to attitudes on things like sexuality and drugs, and virtually anything else one might have an opinion on, will be in this database to be rated or given an opinion by you. To let us think of it simply yet specifically, for every issue you may be able to rate your opinion on it from a scale of 1-10, or use any number of ‘key words’ to describe your opinion of it, or state that you have no preference. Now the answers of every individual would be sorted through this database, and it would group people together based on their ideals. The land of the world would be divided up to give an appropriate amount of land that was perhaps of the right climate to every single group of people. Throughout the world, every single philosophy for life would be represented with its own society. Every single individual in the world would be able to live in hir own perfect society.

Now this sorting of individuals into their own perfect society is just one outward manifestation of a real transformation to the way we live life in general. This whole system largely functions through a ‘classification system,’ which we use to classify all modes of experience and give our opinions on them. Beyond this, it is also used to classify individuals. Now this process of classifying or labelling people, and giving them roles, is something we always do in our minds, but generally cloud through complex identities that are left vague and undefined. We have many ‘labels’ that we give to people, but we may not want to actually say them, or even articulate them in our thoughts. This classification system, which would be entirely customizable by each individual, would classify all different types of people, and we would give our opinions on each type of person. This would all be for the purpose of facilitating ideal experiences with ideal people, and giving incredible opportunity to meet many people that are ideal for you without constraint.

The fact that this would be a universal system, that we all share, and that it would clearly work best the more honest you were with your classifications and ratings, would allow for people to have whatever experience, or interact with whatever type of person, they would like, without playing games to appease our sensitivities to social taboos. Personal sensitivity would largely be eradicated due to the fact that each ‘person’ would consciously assume a multiplicity of identities. Many ‘negative labels’ would lose offensiveness, partially because of the multiplicity and therefore elasticity of identity previously mentioned, but also more than that. Nearly all, if not all, labels are desired by at least some people, if completely honest. This, reciprocally, leads to a number of people WANTING to be that, even if they don’t admit it due to some social pressure. When the classifications of an honest humanity are out there for all to see, we will all feel a lot more comfortable with our own desires and roles that we play.
There could be a database of ‘proposed experiences,’ where people would input any experience they would like to have. Others who read and were interested in your proposed experience, or who wrote of the same thing, would be put in a group with you, and you would be matched up based on personality profiles, or possibly appearance profiles, that would match you and the others with the ideal person or people to have the experience with. Virtually any experience we wanted to have we could have with ease, and we would do it with the perfect people. ANY activity you wanted to do would be simply faciliated. You put in the ‘categories’ of the desired experience, and the ‘categories’ of the ideal person or people, it would filter through every specification you give, and you would be matched with a certain number of people who fit the profile of the ideal person and who also wanted to do the same thing. Of those, you would be filtered through their ideal for who they wanted to have the experience with, and you could all be matched, either randomly or through some further ratings to ensure the ideal experience for each of you, and it would be set up. This would not be a ‘sometimes’ thing. Our whole life could work like this, so we would all live lives where we were constantly doing the exactly perfect thing we would like to do. We could have a wireless device that we carry around with us, as we do cell phones, that would connect us to the system at all times. It would constantly be used to faciliate ideal experiences, and it would be like a little ‘assistant’ to help guide every person through their ideal life, as one cohesive unit of shared perfection.

This is an age of transformation. This is not a transformation in space. Not some shift in power-structures, some development in popular ideology. This is an opening of the gates of time. It is a revalation of the multi-verse, the initial phase of the infinite possible realities in the space-time continuum revealing themselves to you. This present reality you find yourself in is merely a bridge. The structures of your world, your government and society, are of the past. Their time is not where YOU are from, not the true home of your consciousness.

First Wave Of Transmissions: Initiated

Though the ‘dominant-society’ you find yourself in is of past periods of Evolution, the First Wave of Transmissions from the Future have been initiated. Messages from the future are being offered to you. The first stage is only the very first glimpse, and if you don’t understand what to look for you may brush it off as nothing. In the First Wave, somewhat ‘random’ people may give you these messages, and you may rationalize it in such a way that it is just some person with some opinion, or some person with some creative expression, that doesn’t really have much impact on the world. This is just the way the information gets through in this wave.

Come to understand that every expression comes from a place that is its own reality, its own location in space-time. ‘Time’ is a simultaneous network of conscious connections, and the evolution in terms of range of things considered in these connections, and speed and efficiency of making them, sort themselves out as ‘time.’ As evolution occurs, you move from the ‘past’ to the ‘future,’ but this is just the way this simultaneous network logically sorts itself out. Everything you ever hear or see, whether it be someone talking to you or music or any other expression, consider where it comes from, on its own terms not in relation to your own perception of reality. Consider the fantastic realities that the various expressions in your reality stem from. These are the messages, and they come from those realities, which are of the future. Everything you are presented with in your reality can be traced back to its own location in time, or space-time. To follow a certain type of expression is to follow a path to its location. What path will you follow?

F=mA(Force = mass x acceleration)
As there is an inverse relationship between mass and acceleration, mass could be interpreted as the tendency to stay in the same space. You might say larger mass increases attraction, and this is true in a way, but what you are attracting is objects of a similar nature, in similar space, to what currently is, and that may not be your preference, just where you happen to be. Lower mass and higher acceleration is better for unpreferential spaces. Higher mass and lower acceleration is better for preferable spaces.  Acceleration is increased through going within, or not actively moving outwards and partaking in actions based on intentions; this is also assisted by creating space between you and the objects in your reality.
Objects exist in space. To give space between yourself and the objects in your reality is to allow freedom of change for those objects. Objects inherently fall into place based on the nature of the space, so allowance for change of objects means that you are open to change in the space that you occupy. Intentional actions create lots of outward momentum, and since reality is INHERENTLY circular, this creates many large circular loops, thereby increasing mass, thereby increasing your tendency to stay in the same space. Losing intention is assisted through decreasing the amount of attention that is focused externally. Not paying attention to external happenings, and not having intentions in relation to externals, creates space, gives the external freedom of motion, which increases your tendency to change the space you occupy, or increases acceleration.
This increased acceleration allows for greater freedom, through greater allowance, but there remains the issue of individual flavor, personal preferences. Whatever mass you do have, and there will always be mass, will have a certain signature to it. This signature is its tendency towards some particular space. Intention, particularly intentional actions, creates mass, whose signature is of its own essence. Its essence is defined by the space it occupies, or the circumstances surrounding it. So, through focusing on things and acting out intentions that are consistent with your preferences, you work those preferences into the signature of your mass, which is your tendency to occupy a certain space. Through, in non-preferential circumstances, losing focus and intention, you remove those from your mass-signature, thereby reducing its tendency to be a part of your reality. Simultaneously, this non-intention and non-focus increases acceleration, which increases your ability to shift through spaces.

The essence of life, in physical-energetic terms, is electrical-chemical reactions. Reality is constructed, and organisms interact through, chemical interactions charged by electricity. This entire world of sensory-chemical information is generally ignored, and left to the subconscious mind. It is within the range of our total consciousness, though; we can become perceptive to this world. You must pay careful attention to all sensory perceptions and internal or external feelings. Through noticing more and more subtle interactions among these things, you will become perceptive to this communication network. It exists within yourself, with other humans, as well as with the plant world. You can now take in, interpret, or send out energy-tones. This will create the ‘life’ or characteristics, of your internal programming.

The Elements can be broken down into families, and these families are, in truth, a blueprint of Evolution itself. The Periodic Table Of Elements charts the path of all Evolution. We can learn of Evolution, and therefore Consciousness, through emperical study of the Universe. The Elements are a wonderful example of this, and it describes another parallel for the proposed understanding of Reality. Scientifically and technically speaking, the Elements progressively lose electronegativity and increase Ionization Energies. Electronegativity is the tendency to attract electrons into itself. Ionization Energy is the amount of energy required to remove electrons.  This is what happens as you move into higher groups/families of the Periodic Table. This culminates with the Noble Gases, which represent the peak of Evolution as we know it. They have completely negligible electronegativities and very high ionization Energies. This means that an atom of a Noble Gas would be unlikely to gain new Electrons, as well as unlikely to lose them. This resistance to change could be likened to an incredibly deep contentment and confidence, psychologically. It amounts to an extreme capability to allow a very large range on the relative scales of experience and gravity to pass through it, without changing itself.

We can relate this to confidence and apparent passivity. This passiveness is not a result of weakness, but rather the result of the ability to be unmoved despite any range of possible experiences. This means that despite the stillness/passivity of its center, this actually includes the largest range of experience. Scientifically and specifically, all of this is the result of having a completely full valence/outer shell. It has completed its evolution of progressively evolving through various aspects on the ranges of relativity to be found in gravity-fields. Its noble perfection could only come about through perfectly evolving through all previous stages. You cannot fulfill outer layers until you first fill the more inner layers. Through stable filling of more inner layers, outer layers become possible to fill. Now being ‘full’ means to the outermost layer, which is the furthest away from the center point of attraction. ‘Points of attraction’ amount to being an energy source which is orbited around. This is comporable to the Sun of our Solar System, a black hole, or the center of the galaxy. In order to be furthest away from a point of attraction, as with the outer electrons, you must have the lowest gravitational mass. This means gravity works on you less, which is actually the result of your not resisting it. The more resistence there is to gravity, the more it pulls. Evolution is done through evolving into states of less and less resistence.

Electronegativity is the tendency of an atom or a functional group to attract electrons towards themselves. Electronegativity could be interpreted as the tendency of an entity to attract objects of orbit. At a quantum level, this means acquiring electrons and the like to determine the atomic structure. At a galactic level, this amounts to the previously mentioned things; Sun of our solar system, black hole, Galaxy Center. Despite the great discrepency in the relative scale of the two states, it all amounts to the same essential thing. Logically, if this same principle holds at the quantum level and the galactic level, the same principles must hold at the in-between scales, such as planetary and species/human scales. That is to say that if we can truly understand elemental and quantum behavior, in its evolutionary context, we can obtain an incredibly detailed breakdown and psychology for life itself, emperically verifiable at all scales, from quantum to human to galactic. Evolution could be defined as understanding and then utilizing the principles behind all of these states of evolution. The more we understood quantum logic, the more we can personally embody its powerful possibilities. The same is true with the logic of Genetic/Biological Evolution. Through truly having a personal understanding of deeper and deeper levels of reality, you can apply the principles to gain access to their power, which is the result of those principles.

There can be little in the way of true communication/connection between an individual of high-level consciousness and a typical larval human. The actions and words of a high-consciousness individual are literally of a much higher vibrational frequency, and when these waves enter into the larval mind, which is of a much slower vibration, SHe is unable to register any real meaning. A confusion arises in hir mind. There are three basic possible responses to this. One is that they will just go along with what you say, because they’re confused and have given up on trying to figure it out. When this occurs, they will likely pretend that they understand, though they are confused inside. Another is that they will simply ignore you. This is because they are uncomfortable with the energies that they are being confronted with, and want to pretend they don’t exist.

It’s interesting to note that though an individual of high-consciousness may be ignored, the individuals ignoring you are intensely aware of you and your energies on the inside, probably more than any other energies around. Your energies are making an incredible impact on them, and yet they are going to do everything they can to ignore them. This takes a lot of effort, and so the higher your energies are, and the more you make your presence felt, the more it will seem that they are blind, or living with their head in the sand, so as to maintain their tunnel-reality. Another possible response is that they will become irrationally emotional, and this will either manifest as them becoming overly defensive or their seeking to project some very negative motivations or implications onto you and what you are saying. Higher energies obliterate the assumptions which lower states of consciousness are based on, and this is very threatening to the larval human. All of their emotional and moralistic fears that have been imprinted into them are triggered, and they will see all of the dire possibilities of these things being violated in you.