Archive for February, 2013

I would like to share something I have intuitively felt for quite some time, regarding the story of Jesus and Judas. It was later that I would find that it has precedent, in ancient gospels like the gospel of Judas, as well as in general with the majority of the biblical text.

I believe that the story of the crucifixion is very much a story about overcoming death. Jesus understood that he had to die. He asked Judas to have him killed. I assume that Judas originally had a very difficult time accepting this. Eventually, he did what Jesus asked of him, and eventually it would be interpreted as a betrayal. Judas later killed himself. This could have been out of guilt, or it could have been in the same vein as Jesus himself, overcoming death.

The message of Christ is Universal. It has nothing to do with any boundary which presumes a separation. The ‘good news’ is that all material/physical separation has been transcended, when death was overcome by yeshua(jesus). ‘The Kingdom,’ Perfect Reality, already exists, in a timeless realm which has been reached. When we are ready for it, through easing our own bias differentiations, we can realize it for ourself. This is how we ‘take up the cross,’ become like Christ, go into our own place, the Kingdom.

I would like to share a little writing which demonstrates correspondences for Eastern terms and concepts with more elaborately explained concepts/design. This was inspired by a description of how the Universe came/comes into existence by John Lily, and I thought of the correspondences. There is more you could do, with various spiritual systems, but here is what I have for now.

Before Beginning(of Time/Space): Sunyata(emptiness/void)
From void Came Brahma(Growing/Choosing-God)
Then Self(Atman) was realized; Consciousness-Without-Object
Then the first notion of an Object arose; Unity(of time/space), 1
Then polarity arose, which would always equal out to 0, all the way up to infinity.

That which becomes all experiences: Brahma
That which is the experience itself: Vishnu
Spontaneous creation & destruction of every reality/moment from Void: Shiva
Sensual-Body: Soma

Neurologically speaking, dopamine and serotonin are two of the primary NeuroTransmitters. Really Neuro-Psychology is a complex game, involving many potential variables and interactive mechanisms. Nonetheless, I am writing this to provide some basic NeuroLogical structure to this common knowledge of the brain, and the nervous system.

Now, let us explore the repetition of habit vs. novelty, and our pursuit and avoidance of each. These basic principles would hold true in both spatial and temporal dimensions. Dopamine, Dopa, sets off our projected fulfillment mechanisms. Based on past conditioning, we create an ‘object’ or ‘process’ to associate with the essential want or need that we feel. When we see a girl who we find attractive, we begin getting excited. We have been conditioned to be attracted to this ‘object’, or ‘process,’ and the dopamine starts going off when it is perceived as being possible.

Now, Serotonin is designed to associate with actual experiences of pleasure. When you are actually being fulfilled in your desires, the serotonin starts flowing. Now, you may perceive something you desire, and start using up some Dopamine. But if you are not being fulfilled, not getting that Serotonin kick, you’re gonna trend towards what they call ‘novelty addiction.’ Novelty is basically good, it is only ‘bad’ when we cannot be fulfilled in our desires. Thus the push is to deny our desires, rather increase the potential for fulfilling those desires. This is where we go wrong as a society. And, looking at these basic principles of Neuro-Psychology, we can describe its process and reasoning intelligently and specifically.