Archive for May, 2012

Let me try to paint a brief visual picture, for the purposes of assisting in understanding some of what I am about to talk about. Imagine a dot sitting in the center of two circles that surround it. This ‘dot’ is your center, your true nature. It is choiceless awareness, the flow, what comes before all perception and thought. The circle nearest the center is your mental overlay on reality, your ego-intention. The more you place your concepts over reality, and the more you act out of ego-intention, the further out this circle goes. The further out circle is perceptual intensity. Through deviating from the center in mental overlay and ego-intention, the inner-circle expands, which decreases the relative intensity of perception, since as it expands it goes nearer to that circle. You can see, then, that there is an inverse relationship between perceptual intensity and the amount of mental overlay and ego-intention.

Thinking about reality in terms of preferences increases the ego-circle, as does activity just for activity’s sake, as well as trying to force thought or action in response to uncertainty or confusion. A decrease in relative intensity of perception creates dullness, and also causes reality to work less hard for your attention. Perceptual intensity can be interpreted as how hard reality works for your attention. It often plays off things you want, but at less intense levels it generally alludes to things you want, to stir up mental activity without actually bringing about fulfillment. When we continuously deviate from center chasing after un-fulfilling allusions to things we would like, reality sees that it doesn’t have to give you much to get your attention, and so it continues to give you things of the same degree of intensity.

Through remaining centered during these references, reality sees it must work harder for your attention, and so higher levels of perceptual intensity come about, increasing the amount of true fulfillment. Perceptual intensity tends to be somewhat static, but if we can remain centered during these standard levels of perceptual intensity, this will increase energy levels through increasing perceptual intensity. When a relative increase to perceptual intensity occurs, become single-pointedly focused on that perception, without mental overlay. This will allow you to ‘soak in’ the higher energy levels, without being deviated from center.

TV is the basic inspiration for our realities today, the standard reality-creation device. The dom-society  flood your screens with various shows, all apparently separate, in order to validate the ‘reality’ of your reality-notions, your personal TV show, which really has been created by them in the first place. The technique is to create validation from a large number of sources, thereby solidifying that notion of reality in our minds. From there, we design our sets, do our casting, and write our scripts, after that format. This is the technique of the dom-society to get the masses to formulate their realities in a certain way, but this isn’t their inherent power. This is just the way reality works, that they utilize for their own purposes. Through proper understanding, and utilization of that understanding, we can use these same techniques to design our own realities.

They flood your screens with standard sets, props, character-themes, and demonstrations of proper and improper moral-behavior. This programs our minds to think things ‘are’ a certain way, or ‘should be’ a certain way. Suddenly, we find the characters that we have seen on our screens in our lives! Suddenly, the plot structures we have noticed on our screens can be found in our lives! Your ‘reality’ is really just your own little section of the large-scale TV-studio society that is America. Develop your own characters, your own plots, your own set. Take control of your little slice of this industry. Develop your inner-reality thoroughly, and then bring about a merger with your inner-reality and your outer-reality. From here comes the great game of life, a playful interaction between the inner-world and the outer-world, where each flows into and inspires the other.

Think of all polarities in reality in the energetic sense, positive and negative charges. Keep in mind like charges repel, and opposite charges attract. The polarity is defined by a neutral center. This all proves the yin/yang concept of Tao. Choosing one polarity creates the opposite. Moving to positive is like infusing neutrality with a positive charge, which means moving towards the positive force with a positive charge, which means repulsion away from the positive. Simultaneously, this positive charge that is created becomes attracted to the negative. Remember, now, this whole positive-negative energy thing is just the scientific way of expressing how energy works, but this concept of polarity applies to all mental and physical phenomena. The most relatable and understandable way of looking at this is our process of conceptualization, where every concept we conceive of inherently implies its opposite. The inherent duality of language.

All motion, whether mental or physical, is towards a polar end. This motion creates the previously described process of attraction and repulsion, and this creates a complex reaction that ultimately permeates the entire universe. All motion ultimately spreads through all space and time. As you move towards one polar end, say positive, and it pushes you towards the opposite end(negative), the positive end is stimulated in a way that is based on the motion, for it must be to repel in this way. It also stimulates the negative end based on itself, for it must in order to attract. At every single point, the entirety of the polarity of energy is being stimulated based on the specific motion, through this process. Seen in this way, which is the true reality of things, you can see how every single action is an energy that rings through and alters all space and time.

Our minds, and the ‘physical matter’ it perceives, is what creates the perception of ‘motion’ over ‘time,’ and things ‘actually’ existing in certain states. Quantum mechanics uses the term ‘superposition’ to describe the reality of things prior to observation. In the non-observed reality, things exist in all possible states simultaneously. Prior to observation, the forces are allowed to exist naturally, which means as a simultaneous network of attractive and repulsive forces throughout all space and time. Upon the mind’s observation, reality’s energies must condense to one ‘actual’ way of existing in physical reality, but this is just one of many possible ways of existing.  Every possibility is equally ‘real,’ and each one makes up its own ‘universe,’ and combined they make up the multiverse, which is every possibility simultaneously existing in the energy network.

The perfection of society is on the horizon. It will largely be facilitated through the Internet. There will be a database of sorts that everyone will be connected to, or at least have the option of being connected to. In this database, virtually every aspect of life will be listed as categories for you to rate and give your opinion on. Everything from economic and social policies of government to attitudes on things like sexuality and drugs, and virtually anything else one might have an opinion on, will be in this database to be rated or given an opinion by you. To let us think of it simply yet specifically, for every issue you may be able to rate your opinion on it from a scale of 1-10, or use any number of ‘key words’ to describe your opinion of it, or state that you have no preference. Now the answers of every individual would be sorted through this database, and it would group people together based on their ideals. The land of the world would be divided up to give an appropriate amount of land that was perhaps of the right climate to every single group of people. Throughout the world, every single philosophy for life would be represented with its own society. Every single individual in the world would be able to live in hir own perfect society.

Now this sorting of individuals into their own perfect society is just one outward manifestation of a real transformation to the way we live life in general. This whole system largely functions through a ‘classification system,’ which we use to classify all modes of experience and give our opinions on them. Beyond this, it is also used to classify individuals. Now this process of classifying or labelling people, and giving them roles, is something we always do in our minds, but generally cloud through complex identities that are left vague and undefined. We have many ‘labels’ that we give to people, but we may not want to actually say them, or even articulate them in our thoughts. This classification system, which would be entirely customizable by each individual, would classify all different types of people, and we would give our opinions on each type of person. This would all be for the purpose of facilitating ideal experiences with ideal people, and giving incredible opportunity to meet many people that are ideal for you without constraint.

The fact that this would be a universal system, that we all share, and that it would clearly work best the more honest you were with your classifications and ratings, would allow for people to have whatever experience, or interact with whatever type of person, they would like, without playing games to appease our sensitivities to social taboos. Personal sensitivity would largely be eradicated due to the fact that each ‘person’ would consciously assume a multiplicity of identities. Many ‘negative labels’ would lose offensiveness, partially because of the multiplicity and therefore elasticity of identity previously mentioned, but also more than that. Nearly all, if not all, labels are desired by at least some people, if completely honest. This, reciprocally, leads to a number of people WANTING to be that, even if they don’t admit it due to some social pressure. When the classifications of an honest humanity are out there for all to see, we will all feel a lot more comfortable with our own desires and roles that we play.
There could be a database of ‘proposed experiences,’ where people would input any experience they would like to have. Others who read and were interested in your proposed experience, or who wrote of the same thing, would be put in a group with you, and you would be matched up based on personality profiles, or possibly appearance profiles, that would match you and the others with the ideal person or people to have the experience with. Virtually any experience we wanted to have we could have with ease, and we would do it with the perfect people. ANY activity you wanted to do would be simply faciliated. You put in the ‘categories’ of the desired experience, and the ‘categories’ of the ideal person or people, it would filter through every specification you give, and you would be matched with a certain number of people who fit the profile of the ideal person and who also wanted to do the same thing. Of those, you would be filtered through their ideal for who they wanted to have the experience with, and you could all be matched, either randomly or through some further ratings to ensure the ideal experience for each of you, and it would be set up. This would not be a ‘sometimes’ thing. Our whole life could work like this, so we would all live lives where we were constantly doing the exactly perfect thing we would like to do. We could have a wireless device that we carry around with us, as we do cell phones, that would connect us to the system at all times. It would constantly be used to faciliate ideal experiences, and it would be like a little ‘assistant’ to help guide every person through their ideal life, as one cohesive unit of shared perfection.

I have had this basic idea for a while, but never actually put it into action. I had an experience in lucid dreaming today that showed me that this would nearly definitely work as I planned, particularly if I put effort into it, so I think I have decided to really do it. What showed me is that I actually went 6 hours after waking up to taking a nap, and this easier slipping into the lucid state that occurs after getting some sleep, which I will mention shortly, still occurred, which combined with past experiences shows me that my mind, whether or not it is like this to this degree with other people, is able to maintain this state where it is receptive to the lucid dreaming state for an extended period of time. The idea is that I will sleep multiple, perhaps 3 as a baseline, times per day, in shorter intervals, as opposed to one long block of sleep each night. The main purpose behind the experiment is this. When you sleep some, then wake up, then go back to sleep, your odds of lucid dreaming skyrocket. I’m basically at a point where I can lucid dream whenever I want in that situation, if I have the intention. Given this sleep schedule, then, I could be in a state of perpetual lucid dreaming. Every time I sleep, I could lucid dream.

Expanding on this benefit, I actually developed a technique a while back where I could consciously enter a dream, meaning lay down to go to sleep and maintain awareness until I was in a dream, and then proceed with my lucid dream. This technique is largely dependent on having gotten some sleep prior to attempting it. If I stick to this sleep schedule, and resume working on my technique, I could actually consciously enter a lucid dream every single time I sleep. This means that I would never actually lose consciousness, if I so chose. As I continued to dream like this, my awareness of my dreams would continuously improve, and my ‘dream time’ would continue to expand. Each moment of dreaming is far larger than the corresponding perception of time in our waking lives. Typically we only remember very little of our dreaming, and we falsely correspond this dream time to waking time, and think we dreamt for that long. In actuality, we are remembering a tiny fraction of our dreams. This means that, if successful, I could potentially lucid dream for incredible amounts of ‘time,’ and continuously improve my abilities at making that experience go how I want.

There are a couple further benefits, one seems clear to me, and one is somewhat theoretical and vague. The clear one is that through having this continual experience of lucid dreaming, I would be able to increase a sense of ‘detached joy’ in my waking life, making me more free and joyous. It would also continuously improve my sense of seeing reality as being essentially no different than dreaming, which is a somewhat long-standing ‘belief’ of mine that grows the more I lucid dream. If my theories in this regard are correct, this change in perception could lead to a continuous improvement to my level of ‘control’ over reality. There is also a theoretical benefit, not necessarily tested scientifically yet but that makes sense, and as a side note I believe Leonardo Da Vinci may be testament to. Perhaps the main benefit of sleeping is dreaming. We cannot go without dreaming, or we go insane. Despite this, we only dream perhaps half of the time we sleep. With my sleep schedule, I would dream the entire time I slept. This would be at least doubling the amount of dreams I have. Theoretically, it makes sense that this could result in some unforeseeable raising in the abilities of my consciousness. If not dreaming makes you crazy, more dreaming probably raises your levels of consciousness. Beyond this, my dreams would be lucid, which I imagine has even more benefits for your consciousness.

This is an age of transformation. This is not a transformation in space. Not some shift in power-structures, some development in popular ideology. This is an opening of the gates of time. It is a revalation of the multi-verse, the initial phase of the infinite possible realities in the space-time continuum revealing themselves to you. This present reality you find yourself in is merely a bridge. The structures of your world, your government and society, are of the past. Their time is not where YOU are from, not the true home of your consciousness.

First Wave Of Transmissions: Initiated

Though the ‘dominant-society’ you find yourself in is of past periods of Evolution, the First Wave of Transmissions from the Future have been initiated. Messages from the future are being offered to you. The first stage is only the very first glimpse, and if you don’t understand what to look for you may brush it off as nothing. In the First Wave, somewhat ‘random’ people may give you these messages, and you may rationalize it in such a way that it is just some person with some opinion, or some person with some creative expression, that doesn’t really have much impact on the world. This is just the way the information gets through in this wave.

Come to understand that every expression comes from a place that is its own reality, its own location in space-time. ‘Time’ is a simultaneous network of conscious connections, and the evolution in terms of range of things considered in these connections, and speed and efficiency of making them, sort themselves out as ‘time.’ As evolution occurs, you move from the ‘past’ to the ‘future,’ but this is just the way this simultaneous network logically sorts itself out. Everything you ever hear or see, whether it be someone talking to you or music or any other expression, consider where it comes from, on its own terms not in relation to your own perception of reality. Consider the fantastic realities that the various expressions in your reality stem from. These are the messages, and they come from those realities, which are of the future. Everything you are presented with in your reality can be traced back to its own location in time, or space-time. To follow a certain type of expression is to follow a path to its location. What path will you follow?

F=mA(Force = mass x acceleration)
As there is an inverse relationship between mass and acceleration, mass could be interpreted as the tendency to stay in the same space. You might say larger mass increases attraction, and this is true in a way, but what you are attracting is objects of a similar nature, in similar space, to what currently is, and that may not be your preference, just where you happen to be. Lower mass and higher acceleration is better for unpreferential spaces. Higher mass and lower acceleration is better for preferable spaces.  Acceleration is increased through going within, or not actively moving outwards and partaking in actions based on intentions; this is also assisted by creating space between you and the objects in your reality.
Objects exist in space. To give space between yourself and the objects in your reality is to allow freedom of change for those objects. Objects inherently fall into place based on the nature of the space, so allowance for change of objects means that you are open to change in the space that you occupy. Intentional actions create lots of outward momentum, and since reality is INHERENTLY circular, this creates many large circular loops, thereby increasing mass, thereby increasing your tendency to stay in the same space. Losing intention is assisted through decreasing the amount of attention that is focused externally. Not paying attention to external happenings, and not having intentions in relation to externals, creates space, gives the external freedom of motion, which increases your tendency to change the space you occupy, or increases acceleration.
This increased acceleration allows for greater freedom, through greater allowance, but there remains the issue of individual flavor, personal preferences. Whatever mass you do have, and there will always be mass, will have a certain signature to it. This signature is its tendency towards some particular space. Intention, particularly intentional actions, creates mass, whose signature is of its own essence. Its essence is defined by the space it occupies, or the circumstances surrounding it. So, through focusing on things and acting out intentions that are consistent with your preferences, you work those preferences into the signature of your mass, which is your tendency to occupy a certain space. Through, in non-preferential circumstances, losing focus and intention, you remove those from your mass-signature, thereby reducing its tendency to be a part of your reality. Simultaneously, this non-intention and non-focus increases acceleration, which increases your ability to shift through spaces.

As long as there are beings of the hive mentality, there must necessarily be a hive. History consists of power structures and social structures intended to draw in and pacify un-evolved individuals. These were created by evolved individuals, of higher levels of consciousness. An evolved individual has little use for structures, individually. These structures are necessary for much of the population, however, so they are created. As history progresses, new individuals appear who transcend the hive, and through them the hive self-destructs, and a new hive comes into existence(Foo Fighters – Walk “Do you remember the days, we built these paper mountains, and sat and watched them burn”).

Most people need structure, or they will be confused and without any sense of direction. So structure has been created, for their own benefit. Every structure created in this world was intended to self-destruct, and it will be so. The time is very soon, and the thought of a ‘new age’ is widespread, although at this time it is seen as somewhat of a fantasy. The time is coming that the system in its entirety will truly come down, to be replaced by a new one that is more suitable to individual evolution(Foo Fighters – Walk “Still inside, a whisper to a riot”).

Consider social and power structures to be walls put up by evolved individuals, to give themselves freedom. They come into existence through them, and cannot disturb them. The masses work within their framework, but they are reflections of the evolved individuals, and so merely serve as a barrier between them and any possible disturbances. Endless bureaucracy creates perfect freedom for the individual the structures are created through. These individuals can continue their evolution, and their refinement of their own ‘perfect reality,’ while the rest of the people work within the framework of the hive.

Singularities create worlds. Each singularity has their own world, their own reality. Until you awaken your inner singularity, you are occupying someone else’s world, though your singularity is always reaching out to you. The singularity is the ultimate state of non-duality. The singularity leads you to your own world, what I have called ‘the perfect reality.’ It is inevitable. It has been set into motion.(Broken Bells – The High Road “It’s too late to change your mind”) The singularity that you are, that which has or is its own world, is within, not without. A singularity comes about through ‘high gravitational pull,’ and is ‘infinitely small and infinitely dense.’ You cannot possibly find the singularity by going outwards, only by going within. Through going within you increase your attraction, and more and more you will see the singularity without, but that is a reflection of within.

When we think of the world, it can seem so large that we feel miniscule and irrelevant. When we think of the pervasiveness of culture and celebrities, this can make us feel particularly irrelevant to the world, when we see how far-reaching the work of certain individuals are. The sense is that in the modern world there is a never before seen power and pervasiveness of culture and its icons, which consequently renders us an irrelevant nobody in the cultural machine. Now consider your own conceptualization of culture, mass media, music, movies, etc. You may say we have become over-obsessed with these things, causing us to by and large fit within pre-determined national or global molds. But I say to you that this is not true, but rather this represents the unparalleled evolution of the individual consciousness, simply not yet understood.

I, and some others who speak of spiritual matters, talk about how our reality is a construction of our own consciousness. That is to say that our reality is created by our own consciousness, and is itself our own consciousness interacting with itself through apparent individualization. If we are to be consistent with our understanding, this necessarily includes this massive cultural system we feel trapped within. Music, television, movies, etc. that reach millions upon millions of viewers are your own consciousness reaching a never before heard of audience, having a never before heard of range of influence. We’re evolving, and this modern phenomena of mass cultural influence is a testament to the evolution of our own consciousness. If you are able to penetrate the ‘illusion,’ and see clearly, you will see that culture is the play of your own consciousness, working itself out on a mass scale. You cannot be trapped or disempowered in any way. In fact, if this is truly seen, all repression you have ever felt is removed, and you will feel empowered beyond what you have ever imagined. Nothing you perceive is beyond your own personal range of influence; what you perceive is the result of your range of influence.


Welcome to Lila, the play of reality that Hindus speaks of. One should not confuse ‘external’ perceptions as being necessarily calls to action for your body or mind. These are simply ‘meaningless’ projections of the energies existing within your consciousness, being projected as external perceptions so as to evoke a response from you. This is Lila, the play. Learn to see this play as being literally playful. It is playful because your highest consciousness knows the totality of signals/symbols you have accumulated over your existence, and is able to see trends in the way that you react to certain things. The Universe exists so that meaning may be given to it, and your highest consciousness facilitates the Universe’s desire for meaning by giving you objects of perception it believes will draw a reaction out of you, through which meaning will be created. This is a playful game, because it projects these symbols and perceptions into your reality simply because it knows you are likely to react, and give meaning to it, despite the fact that it knows that these meanings do not truly exist.

Now the Universe is not particularly concerned with what meaning it is given. This is a very significant point. It simply wants meaning, and whatever meaning you tend towards will be facilitated through perceptual events. Your ability to give meaning to reality is the same as your ability to create reality. As I say, your reality is designed to provoke you into reacting and giving it meaning. If you are given to reacting to mundane and common things, reality will give you more mundane and common things of like nature. If the mundane and common nearly escapes your attention, reality will become more creative in its attempting to provoke a meaningful response out of you. It will appeal to higher, more creative, aspects of your consciousness. As you go higher, and maintain the focus of your consciousness on higher and more creative meanings, reality will reflect more of it. Keep your ‘head in the clouds,’ for the higher your interests, and the less concerned you are with the lower and mundane, the more reality will conform to those higher interests, in terms of the external perceptions it provides. Reality is designed to give you objects to project meaning onto. The better you become at creative projections, the more creative your reality will get, and the more control you can have in its design.