Tag Archive: patterns

Last night, I worked on developing a theoretical model that could map out the cycles in which the elements of reality play themselves out over time. I’m guessing I would lose interest if I went too deeply into detail of the logic behind my formula, but I will go into it a bit. I’ll also be clear on the math that I am doing, so you can see for yourself how it works out.

The periodic table of elements represents all of the possible elements, based on electron counts in the atomic structure. The elements of the final family of the table are called the noble gases. They have perfectly stable electron configurations. There are 6 of them. 8 is the standard number of valence electrons for perfect stability. This also corresponds to the 8 notes of the music scale. Beyond this, there are 8 families to the periodic table, representing common number of valence electrons, which represents resonant energies. My theory is that these resonant energies represent pure space-time, and thus seeing their pattern results in understanding the patterns of all space and time. It is this general thought process that guided the explanation that follows.

Each noble gas represents the completion of a cycle. The completion of the cycle is represented by the number 8, referring to the 8 types of elements. Since you are adding layers to the perfection through each of the 6 noble gases, you therefore multiply 8 times itself for each stage. Thus you end up getting 8^6. This gives you 262,144, which means that a total of 262,144 units represent a cycle, sub-divided into 6 sections. In order to calculate, you must have a beginning and ending date in order for the calculations to work. You must choose these dates intelligently, based on the beginning and ending of cycles. December 28 is the final new moon of 2012, representing the end of the old cycle and the beginning of the new. So, you take the total number, and you divide by 8. You repeat this process of diving by 8 5 times, so that including the original, you have your 6 steps. Each of the numbers represents something significantly novel occurring.

At first, this was just mathematical and scientific theory. I decided to test it out, and see how it holds up with history. I decided a good place to start would be the formation of the Earth. I will start with the date of the formation of earth, in number of years ago, and then give the date given for each of the 6 stages, as dictated by my calculations. I will then describe what significant event, if any, took place around that time.
1. 4,540,000,000 – Formation of planet
2. 567,500,000 – Time after development of simple animals, shortly before insects/arachnids/crustaceans
3. 70,937,500 – Dinosaurs died out
4. 8,867,187.5 – Development of great apes
5. 1,108,398.438 – Homo Erectus
6. 138,549.8047 – Modern Homo Sapiens
Timeline of evolutionary history of life – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So, although I was confident in the theory behind it, I was at first totally unsure of what would result. After getting these significant of results, though, I had to try it again. I would formulate the new scale based on the last event of the prior scale. So, the emergence of modern homo sapiens.

1. 138,549.8047 – Modern homo sapiens
2. 17,322.47559 – Beginning warming of globe
3. 2,165.309448 – Major leap in thought and spirituality. Socrates, Buddhism, Christanity, Taosim, Judaism, etc)
4. 270.6636811(1742: Shortly before USA being founded)
5. 33.83296013(1979: Cold War escalates in the West due to Soviet invasion of Afghanistan)
6. 4.229120016(September 2008: Global financial crisis)

Wow. Now I’m feeling pretty excited, cuz at both time scales it has worked perfectly. Now I decide to make one more, based on the end of 2012. I’m torn between what day to end it on. I assumed December 21st at first, due to its popularity. But when looking at the moon chart, the new moon is exactly one week later, on the 28th. Intuitively, this seemed like a better ending point. Based on later considerations, I was to find that this, indeed, seems to be the best ending date. Here I calculate from the time of the start of the global financial crisis until the end of december 2012, which on the 28th should represent the completion of the cycle. I’m here converting the units of time from years to days.

1. 1,543.628806 – September 2008: Global financial crisis
2. 192.9536007 – March 4: Republic of Congo capital blasted. 150 killed, 1,500 injured. Part of global turmoil
3. 24.11920009 – December 4
4. 3.014900011 – December 25: Christmas Day
2. .3768625014 – December 28
1. .0471078127 – December 28

So, the first two scales of time were fulfilled perfectly. The final scale previously mentioned has thus far been perfectly fulfilled. It does make three further predictions, though, in terms of specific dates. December 4, December 25, and December 28. It remains to be seen how these turn out. It seems possible if not probable that the smaller the scale the more difficult it would be to be perfectly accurate. Nonetheless, it’s been perfect thus far, so we may as well see how it goes into the projected future over the next month.

All one can find in hir reality is fractal repetition of patterns. Every single thought or action one might engage in will simply lead to plunging down an infinitely deep fractal pattern. Thus, you will be constantly bombarded with new forms of memories. The moment you engage in anything, you trigger off a fractal sequence. One might get lost in the sequence, because the pattern has an infinite number of potential variations in the way that it manifests. However, there can never be anything “new” once the sequence is set off, because the very act that initiated the sequence was, itself, the pattern that you are setting off. Your initial move already had all the information required to create the infinitely deep pattern, with an infinite variety of perceptual variations.

Dolphins exist as very evolved beings who simply never left for the land. Sea-life represents a whole different aspect of evolution. There are other sea-beings who exist as quite evolved as well, but the dolphin is of primary interest. They are beings that never had land-gravity imprints imprinted onto them, and so evolved in a different way. They perhaps did not develop technology in the same way we have, but that does not stop them from having very evolved brains that are able to think, communicate, and experience reality in very advanced ways. It is perhaps very important that we come to understand how consciousness develops in water, never having land-imprints, yet continuing its evolution.

If we think about it, it is theoretically possible to develop a sort of language of the nervous system, which is essentially a language of consciousness. This is because the Nervous System is the long sought-after seat of consciousness, which has profound implications if truly realized. This could be done by tracking its impulses, and coming to understand the various patterns, and what they represent. This concept is mirrored in terms of the DNA with the genetic code being uncovered. Now, if we understand what having a thorough understanding of the Nervous System implies, it has profound implications.

The intelligent Sea-Life I spoke of earlier, the Dolphins, have very well evolved Nervous Systems, just as we do. If we come to understand the Nervous System, and computer technology will no doubt play a large part in bringing this about, it follows that we would be able to establish communication with the Dolphins, who I’m sure have a lot to teach us. Through this understanding, including technological and electronic communication knowledge, it is also logical that we would be able to communicate with civilizations all across the galaxy, since we would all share the communication of the Genetic Code and the Nervous system.

You see, migrating to land could be looked at as a genetic experiment. How does the genetic code express, and how does the nervous system evolve, under the various conditions. Having come to land, though, we do hold a special purpose. Our migration to land, although giving us the linear-land imprints, also represents forward-upward movement-progression. The next logical step is migration into the limitless frontier of Space. The interesting thing about outward migration into space is that it coincides with a corresponding inward migration, inwards into body-intelligence, brain-intelligence, DNA-intelligence, and even sub-atomic/quantum-energy-intelligence. These are the four post-terrestrial circuits of consciousness.

Let us begin the inward migration now, and then bring about the corresponding outward migration into Space. Let us begin our exploration of infinite wonder and bliss, as we evolve and improve our self and our reality throughout eternity.



Contrast, or apparent contradiction or opposition to your desires, is beneficial in that it expands your worldview and range of experience. Your highest self experiences the full range of pleasures and desires to be found within the entirety of your world view and cumulative experiences. All “negativity” has a positivity that it is contrasting, and therefore it benefits your highest self. As you begin to see through the drama of reality, you can see that everything is just a blown up expression of some end of a polarized thought-range. From here, you can see that it is all useful in informing you of nuances within the essence of some aspect of your consciousness. That is all things, people, and circumstances are; specific nuances within a larger essence, or pattern.

If you can see the use of it all, and follow your natural flow, you will find yourself drifting in the direction of your highest self, which is your highest happiness. When you find yourself in this flow, you will likely see that it is oddly specific and perfect. This may create a slight worry that you are going to deviate from it, since it is so specifically perfect. However, since you are so deep in the perfect flow, and able to perceive all of the nuances, this opens up a great range of potential responses within this flow, as you find that all deviations wind up being very subtle. This is part of what makes it so perfect; you find that there is an incredible freedom within this perfection, despite how specific it all seems.