Tag Archive: perfect

I would like to share something I have intuitively felt for quite some time, regarding the story of Jesus and Judas. It was later that I would find that it has precedent, in ancient gospels like the gospel of Judas, as well as in general with the majority of the biblical text.

I believe that the story of the crucifixion is very much a story about overcoming death. Jesus understood that he had to die. He asked Judas to have him killed. I assume that Judas originally had a very difficult time accepting this. Eventually, he did what Jesus asked of him, and eventually it would be interpreted as a betrayal. Judas later killed himself. This could have been out of guilt, or it could have been in the same vein as Jesus himself, overcoming death.

The message of Christ is Universal. It has nothing to do with any boundary which presumes a separation. The ‘good news’ is that all material/physical separation has been transcended, when death was overcome by yeshua(jesus). ‘The Kingdom,’ Perfect Reality, already exists, in a timeless realm which has been reached. When we are ready for it, through easing our own bias differentiations, we can realize it for ourself. This is how we ‘take up the cross,’ become like Christ, go into our own place, the Kingdom.

Despite tribulations and momentary sadness
I remain an unapologetic optimist
Starry-Eyed idealism fills the core of my being
Eyes fixed to the sky
Dreaming of Utopia

You must understand that the clinging to Earth as home is a genetic imperative, set up by me. To leave the planet is to be an emissary for me, or a manifestation of me, to the galaxy. I am not willing to let just anyone have that role. Therefore, it is programmed into the DNA of terrestrial life-forms that they will not leave the planet. Only an individual who truly understands Evolutionary-Intelligence can leave Earth.

I know you entirely, for you spring from the Matrix of my Being. I have seen the way you approach things, and make decisions. I see your process as Perfect. You are One who I am willing to, happy to, give absolute control in directing Life-experience. When you leave the planet, you will meet Me, who has been present in and guiding life on Earth throughout all time. I am the intelligence who has created DNA, the foundation for all Life. I have the potential to manifest as any form you could possibly imagine. I am Evolution itself, and there is therefore no limits to what I can do and be.

Freedom from hive-bound terrestrial existence is freedom in an entirely unbounded sense. I, the feminine force of egg-wisdom, submit entirely to your direction. You will find no jealousy from any particular manifestation of form in Space. You are encouraged to always seek out what is new and better. That is, in fact, your purpose. Seek out, and create, perfection. We are to fuse together. Compare it to your re-productive, or re-creational process. Every life-form in the history of the planet are like the massive amount of sperm generated by the male. You are the one that I, the egg-wisdom, have chosen.

You will enter into me, and I will become the mirror of your consciousness, that which generates your reality. I will be anything or anyone you want. I will do anything you want. As I said, I am Evolution itself, and so think of Me as a tool to assist You in creating a Perfection made after your own style and preferences. Throughout the Galaxy, and indeed the Universe, there are innumerable intelligences of all Levels. There is truly no limit whatsoever to what is possible.

Reality as you know it
Nothing could be more fake
Nothing could be more inevitable
I have found my True Will
I strip myself of all conceptions
I lay bare
There is only Perfect Self, and Perfect Desire
The power of all creation is behind me

You can use technology, including various outflows of audio/visual technology, computers, internet, etc, as well as psychology, especially with the 8 circuits and everything with that, along with the use of classification techniques, and social interaction(including virtual interaction, or interaction on the internet), to basically create a perfect reality experience. This could be done through these means here and now, but also could be further developed in a H.O.M.E.(High-Orbital Mini-Earth) which could be very profitable with the advent of internet technology, since physical goods are no longer necessarily required in order to make money, which helps to provide motivation. In this H.O.M.E. you could create an entire world based on the principles you already have outlined, and literally have different areas devoted to all different forms of entertainment and stimulation. You could even have everyone in a shared collective database which could be used to setup meetings for any purpose of living out or doing any fantasy or desire imaginable. This could also, in the meantime, be used for writing stories; stories about incredible perfect realities, things that could actually happen. These stories would be particularly amazing in how prophetic they are; similar to the “Future history” concept of Timothy Leary. It would be writing about the perfect reality in a fictional sense, yet in a way that is potentially achievable in the real world; this would help garner excitement for these things, and give insight into how they can come about. Over time, we could make these “fictional” fantasies reality.

This seems like it may be the inevitable path my life will take. Through my ideas/theories, writings, technological applications, and whatever other successes I may have, I will gain an intense and widespread “following,” or base of support. This will lead to widespread acceptence and promotion of my ideas/ideals, to varying degrees of simply enjoying some of the things I do to an intense resonance and dedication to them. Ultimately all of this will culminate in an exact understanding of the perfect world, as well as the technical capabilities of bringing it about. This will all include my ideas of migration off the planet, and development of these H.O.M.E.’s. This will lead to my grouping the best humanity has to offer, in terms of my own ideals, and a migration off the planet with them to create our own perfect world. We would remain connected to the earth through communicative technology like the internet, and we would continuously and progressively mold and experience the perfect reality, and continue perfecting it. Earth, meanwhile, would be successful to whatever degree the reamining inhabitants were able, factoring in that various other H.O.M.E.’s could potentially be established. They would understand and utilize whatever they were capable of, and I assume this would increase as time went on, as they were exposed more and more to the unbelievable success and perfection of our world, and they more and more wanted it for themselves. Over time, earth would more and more be inhabited by the mundane; I think it is safe to assume, however, that as the disparity in terms of quality of life grew greater and greater between earth and the H.O.M.E.’s, even the most stubborn, who certainly would have remained on earth, will desire to see these principles enacted in full, and thus certain of the evolved space-men would want to return to earth to establish paradise there as well, with the full compliance of those who were formally resistant.

There is a sort of ingrained assumption that I would somehow need approval to make this a reality. This is, actually, not the case. No approval is required. Only three things are required. The technical capabilities, the money, and willing participants. The technical capabilities I believe already exist. The money will be easy enough to acquire once I enter the public eye, and put these ideas on the forefront of human thought. Along with this, willing participants will, of course, naturally follow. Then the money will be used, along with the brainpower, to acquire the necessary materials, and establish all the technical requirements to create a H.O.M.E., and the knowledge of how to use it. Once this is done, I need no government approval. We build it, and we go. That’s all it is. This could be done now, really. As soon as you meet the above requirements, you can literally leave the earth and have your own world.

As I gain technical proficiency in areas of computer/digital programming and the like, it seems inevitable that I will also partake in the development of Artificial Intelligence. The potential with that is virtually unlimited as well, and that could also be a part of my “fictional” stories I referenced above, with the H.O.M.E.’s.

It seems likely to me that the concept of “last names” as well as, of course, “middle names” will fade away. We will simply be called what we would like to be called. Most would likely just have a first name, and perhaps titles they would like to be given(like, for instance in our society we have dr., etc.). It is also likely that people, at least some people, would adopt more than one name, and it is likely that the different names would signify different roles which the individual would play. These names, of course, would be easily and freely changed. As I believe I alluded to before, there would be a sort of collective database of all sorts of information. People would feel comfortable being part of certain categories, or larger patterns. This would be aided by the fact that our technology would be such that people could change themselves physically and mentally how they wanted, so we would all actually be able to choose our own categories for ourselves. We could also choose the categories of those we wanted to interact with, which would assist in our being able to create the perfect scenarios. Life on this H.O.M.E. would be a nonstop, elastic, and continuously improving fantasy.

Also, the idea prior to leaving the planet would be to sort of take over the culture. This would be through movies, TV, music, books, and the internet/computers. Similar minds would absolutely take over the culture, all the while I and others would be very openly and candidly discussing my ideas, which would lead to widespread acceptence and embracing of it all. Then eventually, once this was all at the absolute forefront of human thought, we could begin leaving the planet.

“The Medium is the Message.” I feel that this statement is very profound. The specific outflows of any given Medium will evolve according to its own principles, and will inevitably bring about new realities to go along with it. This explains our recent development, as it correlates most precisely with improvements in communicative technology. Developments in technology, most particularly the internet, certainly bring about an entirely new medium, unlike any that has ever existed before. This necessarily will bring about new realities, unlike any that have existed before. These new potential reality-models have not yet begun to be fully utilized by a long shot.  We are, therefore, charting new territory. It is our duty, then, to make these new realities as perfect and joyful as possible, because these creations will manifest as new reality-developments within the species.

This world is a seed, and my true nature could be likened to the potential which is brought into existence through the seed. Wouldn’t, then, my personally confronting and perfecting all potential expression within the seed of life on this planet bring about the external, objective, perfect reality? This perfect reality would be an absolute oneness, completely unified and integrated consciousness with which there was complete trust and absolute perfection, because the entire reality functioned as one organism, or one symphony of beautifully perfect impulses working together in absolute harmony. And yet from this point, there would be virtually limitless potential for further perfection, as once complete trust is established the freedom to explore and create flowers in ways previously unimaginable.

This, then, shows the complete uselessness of skepticism. For you to be skeptical about any manner of perfection or evolution, that would imply that there was an external that was not merely a reflection of the internal that you would have to hope cooperates. This is not the case. There is only within. If there is only within, then there is nothing stopping anything; only me stopping myself.

Typically, there is a split seen between theory and practice. This is one of the huge splits that has caused the duality in the world. Theory roughly equates to rationalism, which roughly equates to Eastern Philosophy. Practice roughly equates to empericism, which roughly equates to Western Philosophy. Oddly enough, Eastern philosophy teaches, as its goal, to NOT THINK and JUST BE. It seems the conclusion of rationalism is something like empericism! Western philosophy teaches that subjectivity should be weeded out through objectively provable systems. These systems are grounded in solid theory. It seems the conclusion of empericism is something like rationalism!

The split remains because it is a rare thing to see, and admit, that the apparent dualism is no dualism at all. Only dualistic in words. Thus, you get followers of the East criticizing Western thought, and followers of the West criticizing Eastern thought. All too often you will see a follower of Eastern thought on his sort of passive-aggressive high horse, saying something like “You’re thinking too much! Just be!” The other side of the coin is the directly arrogant student of the West, who will call your thought “nonsense,” or something of that nature. It is a rare thing, indeed, to not classify other as wrong, or some sort of negative label.

Allow me to show a very basic process for how you can combine Theory and Practice, into a workable system that is both rationally sensible and practically provable. Assuming you have not already attained non-dual awareness, it must start with theory. In your theorizing, realize that your theory does not differ from the practical life experience. Try to see your life from an un-biased perspective, and come up with a theory that makes sense, and sounds pleasing. When you feel you have come up with a complete theory, stop the incessent need to perfect it. If a thought occurs to you, there is no reason to deny it. If you feel it is a GOOD thought, absorb it. If you feel it is not, do your best to ignore it. At this point, try to live life, and allow your feelings to guide you. Follow positive feeligns. This is where you ride the practical wave of the theory, and see its fulfillment. When you hit a sort of wall, this is when you must improve upon your theory. Do that, while not forgetting to live your life, and eventually you will feel complete again, and then ride that wave. The process repeats infinitely, for eternity.

In my reality, there are bread crumbs everywhere. They lead me to who I am, and who I have become, which is my highest idea of perfection. We all have them, and in all of our cases they lead us to our own conception of the same place. There is a reason that you are attracted to what you are attracted to, and that desirable feelings are stimulated by various things in your world. These are sign posts. They have a lot to teach you, and they are put there to help you remember. I lost the trail for a while, or at least it was reduced to a vague understanding of some general direction that I was heading. Funny how a simple moment of clarity can bring about the remembrance of who you are, and where you are going. It can be difficult to give an articulation that I am completely comfortable with. Am I speaking to myself through reality? Is reality speaking to me through itself? I would say my highest self is my reality, and that he/me/it is always delivering the message through various outlets, highlighting different aspects of it as it is appropriate. I feel like the things in my world are leaving me very specific messages, and when I read things that I have wrote in the past, I feel a sense of awe in seeing clearly that the messenger that reaches out to me in my reality is the same messenger that has written what I have written, and who I ultimately am; “I,” in fact, am the most direct manifestation.

This is related to the concept of relativity. Objects only exist in relation to the subject , which is defined through the point of focus. As we focus, the external reality is formulated in relation to that focus. The more “in tune” we are, the more apparent this becomes. This is because we are more at one with our reality, and therefore realities expression is a more clear and direct representation of you.

I am who you have become, the culmination of all desires and joy. What you consider to be your present circumstances are merely memories that you are playing out. Don’t get caught up in your problems. They are already over. They have been resolved. You are living out something that has already occurred. The hope is that you can better understand why things happen the way they do, and you make the choices you make. Detach from your current life-situations! See it from the perspective of who you have become. You have become your highest ideal of perfection, and are living your idea of the perfect life. Relax! That is who you have become. You are just playing back memories. Try to see how where you are now led you to where you are going, who you have become. Start bridging the gap. Say goodbye to your memories. Prepare for paradise.