Tag Archive: awakening

I would like to share a little writing which demonstrates correspondences for Eastern terms and concepts with more elaborately explained concepts/design. This was inspired by a description of how the Universe came/comes into existence by John Lily, and I thought of the correspondences. There is more you could do, with various spiritual systems, but here is what I have for now.

Before Beginning(of Time/Space): Sunyata(emptiness/void)
From void Came Brahma(Growing/Choosing-God)
Then Self(Atman) was realized; Consciousness-Without-Object
Then the first notion of an Object arose; Unity(of time/space), 1
Then polarity arose, which would always equal out to 0, all the way up to infinity.

That which becomes all experiences: Brahma
That which is the experience itself: Vishnu
Spontaneous creation & destruction of every reality/moment from Void: Shiva
Sensual-Body: Soma

Contrast, or apparent contradiction or opposition to your desires, is beneficial in that it expands your worldview and range of experience. Your highest self experiences the full range of pleasures and desires to be found within the entirety of your world view and cumulative experiences. All “negativity” has a positivity that it is contrasting, and therefore it benefits your highest self. As you begin to see through the drama of reality, you can see that everything is just a blown up expression of some end of a polarized thought-range. From here, you can see that it is all useful in informing you of nuances within the essence of some aspect of your consciousness. That is all things, people, and circumstances are; specific nuances within a larger essence, or pattern.

If you can see the use of it all, and follow your natural flow, you will find yourself drifting in the direction of your highest self, which is your highest happiness. When you find yourself in this flow, you will likely see that it is oddly specific and perfect. This may create a slight worry that you are going to deviate from it, since it is so specifically perfect. However, since you are so deep in the perfect flow, and able to perceive all of the nuances, this opens up a great range of potential responses within this flow, as you find that all deviations wind up being very subtle. This is part of what makes it so perfect; you find that there is an incredible freedom within this perfection, despite how specific it all seems.

Buddhism talks about the Buddha, the Dharma, and the Sangha. They call this the Triple Gem. It is the perfect unity, that appears in three forms. Reality often is viewed in a way that could be divided into three “parts.” Buddha literally means “The Awoken One.” It cannot be said that Buddha is a person. The historical Buddha himself is recorded as having emphasized this, beyond the further Mahayana writings that make this abundantly clear. Buddha is the great unity. It could be called Buddha Nature. When you speak of “The Buddha” it is referring to the One who has awoken. “He” can be found anywhere in existence. You can either find him, or you can BE HIM. He could be looked at as the great teacher. When you yourself are in touch with “Buddha Nature” you are literally being The Buddha. Yet Buddha Nature never departs from reality, so when you are, for instance, learning from another, or reality itself, this is The Buddha reminding you of the truth.

“The truth” is what is called “The Dharma.” Although the Dharma is often expressed in words, it cannot be said to be the words themselves. It is the truth about reality itself. Therefore, it can be found anywhere in reality. When one speaks the truth, he is speaking Dharma. When you hear Dharma, think Dharma, or speak Dharma, this is the teaching of The Buddha; this is true regardless of whether you’re “being The Buddha” or interacting with The Buddha

Those who are seeking the Dharma/Truth are the Sangha. When you are in communion with another of like mind, he is of the Sangha. You could look at the Sangha as those who are working together to try to end suffering. Suffering is attachment. We seek a universal end of suffering, which is to say universal enlightenment. When we see one who is suffering, and recognize him as a fellow traveler of the Journey towards the end of suffering, we help to unhook him from his attachments, as we seek to do for ourselves. The interacting of the Sangha/Community, Dharma/Truth, and Buddha/Awoken One all come together as the great ONE, the unity of all of existence.