Tag Archive: observation

Think of all polarities in reality in the energetic sense, positive and negative charges. Keep in mind like charges repel, and opposite charges attract. The polarity is defined by a neutral center. This all proves the yin/yang concept of Tao. Choosing one polarity creates the opposite. Moving to positive is like infusing neutrality with a positive charge, which means moving towards the positive force with a positive charge, which means repulsion away from the positive. Simultaneously, this positive charge that is created becomes attracted to the negative. Remember, now, this whole positive-negative energy thing is just the scientific way of expressing how energy works, but this concept of polarity applies to all mental and physical phenomena. The most relatable and understandable way of looking at this is our process of conceptualization, where every concept we conceive of inherently implies its opposite. The inherent duality of language.

All motion, whether mental or physical, is towards a polar end. This motion creates the previously described process of attraction and repulsion, and this creates a complex reaction that ultimately permeates the entire universe. All motion ultimately spreads through all space and time. As you move towards one polar end, say positive, and it pushes you towards the opposite end(negative), the positive end is stimulated in a way that is based on the motion, for it must be to repel in this way. It also stimulates the negative end based on itself, for it must in order to attract. At every single point, the entirety of the polarity of energy is being stimulated based on the specific motion, through this process. Seen in this way, which is the true reality of things, you can see how every single action is an energy that rings through and alters all space and time.

Our minds, and the ‘physical matter’ it perceives, is what creates the perception of ‘motion’ over ‘time,’ and things ‘actually’ existing in certain states. Quantum mechanics uses the term ‘superposition’ to describe the reality of things prior to observation. In the non-observed reality, things exist in all possible states simultaneously. Prior to observation, the forces are allowed to exist naturally, which means as a simultaneous network of attractive and repulsive forces throughout all space and time. Upon the mind’s observation, reality’s energies must condense to one ‘actual’ way of existing in physical reality, but this is just one of many possible ways of existing.  Every possibility is equally ‘real,’ and each one makes up its own ‘universe,’ and combined they make up the multiverse, which is every possibility simultaneously existing in the energy network.

To begin taking control of your reality, start interpreting your experience in the way the nervous system thinks. Everything is just electric impulse, neither good nor bad. You’re just experiencing, looking for new experiences. Your Nervous System works in high-speed. It just loves experience, whatever it is! It likes to live an as exciting of a way as possible, and soak in and learn everything along the way.


*Smiling is a hint of space migration: muscles being attracted upwards, as we are being attracted upwards into Space.*

As an individual has activated Post-Terrestrial Circuits of Consciousness, there is an actual noticable change to the energies that are emitted. It is not to be under-estimated. Try to understand it in terms of noise. Consider that the world is filled with semi-quiet static noise. Remember that this noise is all energy-play. Consider the sounds the Post-Terrestrial transmits to be like a beautiful symphony, or some other creative-masterpiece amid an endless sea of monotonous drivel. As a casual observer to planet earth, alert to such energies, you would take great notice of such an individual. All individuals unconsciously pick up on and react to these energies. Individuals vary with how they will react. 



I think a lot of the confusion in regards to subjectivity and an objective reality comes from the understandable tendency to interpret the quantum reality in terms of our physical reality, as opposed to our physical reality in terms of the quantum reality that more accurately creates the physical reality, as opposed to being created by our physical reality. At a quantum level, the apparent solidarity in physical reality is merely a cluster of subatomic energetic probabilities, taking on a temporary form of logical geometric and linear structure in the occurrence of observation. There are an infinite number of simultaneously existing structures within the energetic probability-field, forming an infinite number of alternate realities.

How is it, then, that we inhabit the reality that we do, with all of the circumstances it entails? It is the natural result of our state of consciousness, with its various beliefs, logical structures, and definitions. In reality, there is an incredible chaos that exists, that includes all of these different potential realities. Our brain, or our consciousness, creates order out of this, and collapses the chaos into one understandable reality. It is our tendency to believe that reality as we know it is the “real” reality. This is simply not the case.

This could be called subjectivity, which many people have a problem with. It must be understood that just because there are other possibilities besides what you “know” about your reality, it does not take away from the reality or logic of it. It is to say that what really exists is an infinitely complex array of possibilities, essentially chaos, something like white noise. That does not make reality nonsensical or arbitrary. Within this chaos there exists many different logical possibilities. What you perceive is one possibility. That does not make what you know, or any of the possibilities, illegitimate. It can be perfectly logical, and observably true. It’s just to say that it not the ONLY thing that is true. This is something that tends to be tricky for people. The concept that it is possible for more than one thing to be right, and for that to not take away from the rightness of whatever it is that you think you know.