Tag Archive: god

I would like to share something I have intuitively felt for quite some time, regarding the story of Jesus and Judas. It was later that I would find that it has precedent, in ancient gospels like the gospel of Judas, as well as in general with the majority of the biblical text.

I believe that the story of the crucifixion is very much a story about overcoming death. Jesus understood that he had to die. He asked Judas to have him killed. I assume that Judas originally had a very difficult time accepting this. Eventually, he did what Jesus asked of him, and eventually it would be interpreted as a betrayal. Judas later killed himself. This could have been out of guilt, or it could have been in the same vein as Jesus himself, overcoming death.

The message of Christ is Universal. It has nothing to do with any boundary which presumes a separation. The ‘good news’ is that all material/physical separation has been transcended, when death was overcome by yeshua(jesus). ‘The Kingdom,’ Perfect Reality, already exists, in a timeless realm which has been reached. When we are ready for it, through easing our own bias differentiations, we can realize it for ourself. This is how we ‘take up the cross,’ become like Christ, go into our own place, the Kingdom.

I would like to share a little writing which demonstrates correspondences for Eastern terms and concepts with more elaborately explained concepts/design. This was inspired by a description of how the Universe came/comes into existence by John Lily, and I thought of the correspondences. There is more you could do, with various spiritual systems, but here is what I have for now.

Before Beginning(of Time/Space): Sunyata(emptiness/void)
From void Came Brahma(Growing/Choosing-God)
Then Self(Atman) was realized; Consciousness-Without-Object
Then the first notion of an Object arose; Unity(of time/space), 1
Then polarity arose, which would always equal out to 0, all the way up to infinity.

That which becomes all experiences: Brahma
That which is the experience itself: Vishnu
Spontaneous creation & destruction of every reality/moment from Void: Shiva
Sensual-Body: Soma

The phases of the Moon represent the cycles of time itself. From these cycles, all time flows. From the biggest to the smallest scales, as a fractal, all things flow according to these cycles. The image of Tao, with its yin and yang, represent the flowing of this process. You can see the cycles in the Trigrams of the I Ching. The Waxing Moon, as the moon is growing, represents the increase of yang-energy. The Waning Moon represents the increasing yin-energy.

The I Ching trigram is a diagram of the flowing of the times, the seasons, the play of energy-essences. The solid line represents yang-energy, and the split line represents yin-energy. Here is a key to interpretation. The bottom line represents self-expression, as in the subject The top line represents the object, as in object of awareness. The middle line represents the meeting of the subject and object, the verb, activity. In the first sentence of trigram interpretation, I will break down the meaning of each line of the trigram according to the structure bottom-middle-top.

Earth: yin-yin-yin: No self-expression, nothing to do, nothing to observe
This represents the Dark Moon and the New Moon. Notice the total yin-energy, ‘darkness,’ silence. It represents a sort of extreme passivity, or acceptance of all. Since is the transition point linking the end point and the beginning point, this is the ultimate complexity. This means that the yin, feminine, Goddess is technically more primary, or ultimate.

Thunder: yang-yin-yin: Self-expression, nothing to do, nothing to observe
Waxing crescent moon, occurs in the beginning of the process of increasing visibility, amount of light. The yang energy is beginning its ascent. Life is beginning to flower. It represents an inner passion. A territorial sense, desiring freedom of movement and expression. beginning of the ‘God’ chasing the ‘Goddess,’ the masculine principle

 Water: yin-yang-yin: No self-expression, activity, nothing to observe
Waxing Half Moon, of increasing light. Immersion into reality. When doing something, there is only that doing. When writing, just writing.

 Mountain: yin-yin-yang: No self-expression, no activity, something to observe
Waxing Gibbous moon, nearing complete light. In awe of the magnificence of what is naturally there. Awareness.

 Lake: yang-yang-yin: Self-expression, activity, nothing to observe
Full Moon, complete light. Self-chosen activity. Conscious decision-making.

Fire: yang-yin-yang: Self-expression, no activity, something to observe
Waning Gibbous Moon, decreasing light. Watching and feeling, but doing nothing. Self-expression fulfilled through observation.

 Wind: yin-yang-yang: No self-expression, activity, something to observe
Waning Half Moon, decreasing light. Read and react. Play-acting. Maya- illusion. Lila, reality-as-a-play.

 Heaven: yang-yang-yang: Self-expression, activity, something to observe
Perfect unity. Personal preferences guide actions, and it fits perfectly with the situation you are in, and the people, who are in full agreement.

So this is the basic pattern through which time travels. These are the ‘seasons’ of nature and life. This process and these elements are the source of all mythology, rituals, and general compulsions. At any scale of time, or any scale in space, range of influence, reality functions through this essential process.

There are four layers of the one mind, the one consciousness. By descending through these four levels, you eventually get material reality from the realm of infinity. The Jewish Qabalists called these layers the four worlds. They are, truly, as four realms of existence. I will explain these four worlds, including the qabalistic names for them, as well as some correspondences to elucidate the meaning. Note that these exist in a wide-scale, as in the creation of the entire universe. Yet, simultaneously, it is possible to note this process occurring within yourself. The entire pattern, or process, of creation is going on within yourself, right now. You must simply learn to become aware of the process as it occurs.

In order from deepest level to most surface level…

1. Qabalists called this the world of atzilut, meaning ‘eminated from,’ as in eminated from the Infinite. This is also called the archetypal world. It represents the collective unconscious, the sum of all the archetypes, the shared, essential elements of experience. This is a masculine principle; it represents stillness. This is because it does not change. This is the Y of the tetragrammaton, most holy name of god in the hebrew tradition: YHWH.

This is yud, ‘Y’

2. This is called the world of b’riah, creation. This represents the soul. Alternatively, this represents the individual subconscious. This is one individual arrangement of the archetypes. This represents the feminine principle. It is the first H of the tetragrammaton.
This is heh, ‘H’

This is called yitzirah, the world of formation. It is said that in this world, concrete plans of creation are made, concrete steps to manifestation. It is also said that emotional involvement occurs at this stage. This represents the conscious mind. It is the essential premise, or assumption, behind any experience. It is the imminent potential for experience, or perception. You could also say this represents the ‘medium’ behind Marshall McLuhan’s famous phrase, “The medium is the message.” This is the W of the tetragrammaton.
This is vav, originally ‘waw,’ W.

4. This is called the world of assiyah, action. This represents physical reality, material existence. It is called ‘The Kingdom.’ At this level there is apparently total independence. This is the ultimate goal, or purpose, of creation. This is the ego. It manifests as external ‘things,’ or as self-driven actions. It is the message in McLuhan’s “The medium is the message.” This is the 2nd H of YHWH.

This is the tetractys, mystical shape of Pythagoreas. It is represented using the four letters of YHWH, though. The top point represents the first world, the collective unconscious, and working your way down is working your way towards the most surface level of consciousness. Notice how the letter of each of the worlds is added onto the existing one each level down, but the existing letter remains. This is because the influence of the previous ‘letter,’ or world, or level of consciousness, continues to have its impact on each level down. And yet it moves more into the background at that level.

For things to flow smoothly, efficiently, and desirably, each level must have a trust in the level above it. This is because any given level is a limited selection of the options presented at the higher level. Ego is a selection, an identification, of the possibilities generated by the essential premise of the conscious mind. Similarly, the premise of the conscious mind is a singular manifestation of the wider pattern of elements that is the individual sub-conscious. The individual subconscious is one possible arrangement of the archetypes, the elements in the collective unconscious. By definition, then, no level can ever know more than, or even as much as, the level above it. Thus if one acts without trusting the level above, confusion inevitably follows.

I think it is only fair to first explain the perspective that is driving me to seek, and is guiding the process of, this interpretation. I believe that DNA, the source of all life, is a higher intelligence, or a message left from a higher intelligence. It codes all life, and life itself is the message. It is the expression of a higher intelligence. All of the religions, the philosophies, the stories, the poems, the art, and various cultural expressions, are coded messages from this intelligence that we call DNA, as mediated by the nervous system, itself designed by this higher intelligence. I decided there must certainly be a hidden message in the biblical story of creation, just waiting to be decoded. As I began, it was just like that. A coded message, which my brain was to decode. This is my transmission then, as mediator between the Genetic-Intelligence, which one may not unjustifiably call God, and you. I am the mediator in that the biblical story of creation is a coded message from DNA, and I am going to help decode it.

Verse 1: ‘Created Heaven and Earth’: Heaven representing the higher, divine, evolved principle. Earth representing the lower, base, primitive principle. ‘Lower, base, primitive’ may seem to imply something less than the other principle, but these are just metaphor. If you understand the signal, the meaning, these words won’t confuse you.

Verse 2: ‘Earth without form and void’: The lower principle exists originally as pure potential, the Unmanifest. Kaballah says Earth was created because God desired a dwelling-place in the lower realms.   This dwelling place is the Sephira, the spirit or emenation of God, called Malkhut, which means the Kingdom, as in the Kingdom of God or Heaven. From one perspective, Malkhut, the lower realm, Earth, is the most base, mundane and low of all aspects, realms, or sephirot of God/creation. This is according to the path of ascension, since it is lowest on the down-up path. On the path of emenation, however, which is up-down, and the perspective of the Most High, it is the glorious culmination of creation. ‘darkness upon the face of the deep.’ Since ‘Earth’ represents the lower principle, and it is unformed, and therefore without limitation, it is called ‘the deep.’ ‘Darkness’ refers to the void, and the passage implies the inherent first existence of the void, or darkness. From this primal state, God, the light, the active principle, begins his work; this culminates in Malkhut, ‘Earth,’ which has been biblically called darkness, without light, nothing, thus representing the completion of the cycle. Darkness-light-darkness. ‘Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters’: Active principle, God, light, began its work on the pre-existing, passive void. Called ‘waters’ to reference the fact that it is flow, without resistence.

Verse 3: ‘Let there be light’: God began the downward path of emenation.

Verse 4: ‘Light was good…divided from darkness’: The darkness is beyond all notions of ‘good’ and ‘bad.’ It is also without ‘life’ as we think of it. Life has the natural drive for the good, the beneficial, the pleasurable, thus that principle, called ‘light’ and ‘good,’ was created, as the balancing force, ‘separate from’ the darkness, the void. ‘Darkness’ is the inherent existence of the Universe. It is ‘cold’ in that it has no relationship to life. It represents the principle of entropy, whereby systems increase in disorder over time, which is the opposite of conduciveness to life. ‘The light’ is life, and it represents negative entropy. With the light, and negative entropy, systems tend to increase in both complexity and order. It, therefore, represents evolution. Life, the light, is therefore the great balancing force in the cosmic equation that is existence. Life and evolution, the light, is good. Without the light, things just are. No pleasure, no joy, no increase of intelligence. Though perhaps one could say these things are not ‘necessary,’ it is good, and it is why we are here, and it brings balance.

Verse 5: ‘And the evening and the morning’: As previously stated, the void was first, thus the evening is before morning. Entropy, because of its constancy, is said to be an arrow of time. Light and dark, order and disorder, entropy and negative entropy, are thus intimately connected with time. This is why day and night is separated, to indicate time. Now just as entropy has a constant ‘direction’ thus its relationship to time, so to does negative entropy, and its is opposite. Thus you get the two opposing directions, which is related to the ‘path of ascension’ and ‘path of emenation’ I referred to previously. The distinction between ‘light’ and ‘dark’ also is the initial introduction of duality.

Verse 6/7: ”Let there be a firmament…to divide the waters above from the waters below’: The division of light and dark, day and night, entropy and negative entropy, created duality in time, as the two imply opposite ‘directions’ in time. Time and space being intimately connected through space-time, a duality in space naturally followed. Thus a firmament was created to divide the ‘waters,’ which means the flow of energy, into its basic duality. ‘Firmament’ generally means a physical thing, expansive, referring to the neverending duality of physical reality. This barrier between the polar ends, ‘the waters above and the waters below,’ is itself the connecting thread between them, through which they are one. The uniting thread between all polarities is the key to all things, thus the firmament is called Heaven, as per verse 8.

My body is my Temple. Anything that distracts me from reclusive and absorbed presence in the Temple is irreverent and irrelevant. This Temple is inherently there. No movement or action is required at all to be in your Holy Place. Any movement that is not purposefully of a pragmatic or ecstatic nature should be discarded. This means movements of body, but it also means movement of the eyes, and speech, and mental activity. So much of our energies are used for completely pointless activities. We sit around and fidget, move our eyes around, and analyze everything, because we don’t know how to be still, and feel we always have to be doing something. Ecstatic union with God is impossible in such a state.

Our baseline of ‘stillness’ is actually quite a high amount of movement or perceptual activities, and we become entirely de-sensitized to that range of activity, as if it is nothing. All things that happen to us are judged in relation to that baseline, which is a farily high level of activity. We have no sensitivity. We cannot experience ecstacy. We cannot know God. All of this unnecessary activity degrades your Temple. The aim of life is to know Self, to know God. God is not found through activities in the world, but through seeking him in his Temple, your body.

Think of all polarities in reality in the energetic sense, positive and negative charges. Keep in mind like charges repel, and opposite charges attract. The polarity is defined by a neutral center. This all proves the yin/yang concept of Tao. Choosing one polarity creates the opposite. Moving to positive is like infusing neutrality with a positive charge, which means moving towards the positive force with a positive charge, which means repulsion away from the positive. Simultaneously, this positive charge that is created becomes attracted to the negative. Remember, now, this whole positive-negative energy thing is just the scientific way of expressing how energy works, but this concept of polarity applies to all mental and physical phenomena. The most relatable and understandable way of looking at this is our process of conceptualization, where every concept we conceive of inherently implies its opposite. The inherent duality of language.

All motion, whether mental or physical, is towards a polar end. This motion creates the previously described process of attraction and repulsion, and this creates a complex reaction that ultimately permeates the entire universe. All motion ultimately spreads through all space and time. As you move towards one polar end, say positive, and it pushes you towards the opposite end(negative), the positive end is stimulated in a way that is based on the motion, for it must be to repel in this way. It also stimulates the negative end based on itself, for it must in order to attract. At every single point, the entirety of the polarity of energy is being stimulated based on the specific motion, through this process. Seen in this way, which is the true reality of things, you can see how every single action is an energy that rings through and alters all space and time.

Our minds, and the ‘physical matter’ it perceives, is what creates the perception of ‘motion’ over ‘time,’ and things ‘actually’ existing in certain states. Quantum mechanics uses the term ‘superposition’ to describe the reality of things prior to observation. In the non-observed reality, things exist in all possible states simultaneously. Prior to observation, the forces are allowed to exist naturally, which means as a simultaneous network of attractive and repulsive forces throughout all space and time. Upon the mind’s observation, reality’s energies must condense to one ‘actual’ way of existing in physical reality, but this is just one of many possible ways of existing.  Every possibility is equally ‘real,’ and each one makes up its own ‘universe,’ and combined they make up the multiverse, which is every possibility simultaneously existing in the energy network.

Eris…wants you to fuck her…
She loves Marijuana
Good ol Mary Jane
All Hail Chao!

Hey everybody! I just officially posted my mini-book online, and it is a bit updated from when I had it posted before. It has a bunch of awesome pics n stuff like that to go with the writing. Sooo if you would check it out and give feedback, it would be much appreciated! 😀



The Journey, Mini-Book

My E-mail to Timothy Leary’s Publishing Company

Post-Terrestrial Reality Creation

Coincidence Control Center(C.C.C.)

Sea-Intelligence, Land-Intelligence, and Space-Intelligence

https://journeyofclay318.wordpress.com/2012/02/04/time-to-leave-the-womb-planet-and-join-the-other-evolved-beings/ https://journeyofclay318.wordpress.com/2012/01/28/evolve-and-understand-the-psychology-of-your-brain-and-dna/

With the sixth circuit, brain-intelligence opens up, which is pure reception and transmission of signals. Pure experience. Reality is seen as a play of energies, in which your interpretations of these energies creates your reality. This is primarily done as a present moment mechanism in which you either receive signals that you enjoy, learn to self-confidently choose and create reality-tunnels you prefer, or actively transmit so as to link with others. 

*This is A Message from C.C.C.(Coincidence Control Center)*

Opening up the Intelligence of your Nervous System empowers you as Reality Selecter and Creator. We set up the long term coincidences according to our plans, which are based on higher circuits of consciousness yet. If you can learn to align your energies effectively, you can begin setting up your own coincidences, in the short-term. We will remain controlling long-term coincidences, but we can assist you in causing them to go in your favor.

The goal is that, over time, you will gain the necessary abilities to manage long-term coincidences yourself. Then you can take over that job. Once you gain these abilities, you no longer need to remain on the womb-planet, Earth. From here, you can increase your range of intelligence InterStellly. First you begin intelligent management of a planet. Then you can increase your range of influence to the level of a Solar System. Then to a galaxy. Then to a Universe. This, of course, is no quick evolution. All of this outward progression coincides with an inward progression into activating the Post-Terrestrial Circuits of Consciousness. Body-Intelligence, Brain-Intelligence, DNA-intelligence, Quantum-Energy-Intelligence.

*Note to Reader* AlWays Expect The UnExPeCted!

