Tag Archive: unity

I would like to share something I have intuitively felt for quite some time, regarding the story of Jesus and Judas. It was later that I would find that it has precedent, in ancient gospels like the gospel of Judas, as well as in general with the majority of the biblical text.

I believe that the story of the crucifixion is very much a story about overcoming death. Jesus understood that he had to die. He asked Judas to have him killed. I assume that Judas originally had a very difficult time accepting this. Eventually, he did what Jesus asked of him, and eventually it would be interpreted as a betrayal. Judas later killed himself. This could have been out of guilt, or it could have been in the same vein as Jesus himself, overcoming death.

The message of Christ is Universal. It has nothing to do with any boundary which presumes a separation. The ‘good news’ is that all material/physical separation has been transcended, when death was overcome by yeshua(jesus). ‘The Kingdom,’ Perfect Reality, already exists, in a timeless realm which has been reached. When we are ready for it, through easing our own bias differentiations, we can realize it for ourself. This is how we ‘take up the cross,’ become like Christ, go into our own place, the Kingdom.

The internet is the greatest tool mankind has ever invented. Although it is as great as it is, its potential reaches far beyond its current utilization, and even beyond the imagination of the great majority of people. The internet as I imagine it is a completely customized experience, designed to tailor completely to the uniqueness of each individual who uses it. One of the ‘problems’ of the internet as it is is that it is completely standardized across the globe, or at least country. Search engines, and everything else, sort everything according to (inter)national trends. The results of what comes up in your internet experience should be customized to your own personal dispositions and wants. This should be done through complex personal and interpersonal feedback. There would be a database of your search trends, which would further be classified according to a rating system with which you would have the option for giving ratings to everything. Everything on the internet would be classified through certain categories, and then be rated by the individuals who utilized it, and those ratings would be sorted according to the preferences and rating trends of the individuals who rated them. So what you were confronted with on the internet would be based on the trends of what you look for as well as how you rate things, showing you things based on what other people who have similar interests and have similar ratings have also rated good. This would allow you to find more and more material that would be of interest to you, and all the while you would continue to rate things, which would further customize your experience.

There would also be an encouragement to utilize an easy ability for individuals to post their own material. Everything would be put into this database, and so your material would be rated and sorted through in the same way as everything else. There would, then, be two basic rating systems. One would be the way that you rated everything in your internet experience, and the other would be the way others rated you in their internet experience. The preferences of the indiduals who rated you would be sorted through, and so you would have different ratings based on different type of people who had different preferences. This would customize the way in which your material is found, making it easier for people who tend to like the sort of material you are posting to find. The database, or individuals monitoring it, would track overall trends in personality types, and come up with meaningful classifications of personality types/preferences, and note the relationships between different characteristics. Individuals using this system would meet other people in a variety of environments. There would be the basic ‘blog’ like setup, where one individual basically make his/her voice heard, and other people watch/read and leave their thoughts. There would be the ‘forum’ type of setup, where individuals all interact with eachother in regards to topics of shared interest. There would also be the ‘social networking’ aspect, which would be greatly improved through this system. All these different methods of communication would be distinct, yet related.

This ‘database’ I’m speaking of would run through all the different modes of interaction. Individuals who enjoy things you post in a blog-like setup may want to interact with you in a more interactive forum setup. Individuals who you vibe with in a forum setup may be compatible in such a way that it would be appropriate to connect in a more casual social networking setup. It would work in the reverse as well, of course. Individuals who you form casual and somewhat shallow relationships with in the social networking arena may want to interact with you more in-depth, and truly understand who you are as an individual. This relationship would now go into the more in-depth forum and blogging interfaces. Now you could potentially have multiple ‘e-identities,’ each of which would be a basically distinct personality. What is meant here is basically when you have more than one ‘part’ of who you are, that aren’t exactly the same. Say you are very interested in philosophy, and also very interested in sports. These are not exactly overlapping, and so likely these would split into two different e-identities, each of which would group various aspects of who you are and your internet trends and sort them into your different identities in the way that best describes the different identities. Each of your e-identities would be sorted into the larger database, and work its way into the overall seams of the internet as part of whatever larger categories are appropriate. Based on a similar ‘rating’ system, it would then keep track of the different individuals who you got along with best through whatever medium it was that worked best, and whatever e-identity you were using. It would notice the commonalities in terms of what larger personality categories they were a part of, as well as their search and rating trends. The internet would then facilitate further interactions with people who were of similar personality categories that have been found to be compatible, and you would interact through whatever medium was most appropriate.

Another aspect of this, that I alluded to earlier, would be the aspect of locality. Internet experience, particularly the individuals you interact with, would tend towards locality. It would be designed so that it would generally be possible to actually meet the people you interact with. This all depends on personal preferences, of course. You would filter your preferences through things such as locality vs. overall compatibility. Whether or not you were interested in actually meeting certain types of people and so forth. Also, you would determine what types of people, or what specific people, you wanted to share all of the various things you do online with. So people would only have access to whatever you wanted them to see, and that would be entirely determined by your preferences. This would be further aided by the concept of e-identities. Your various identities would be strengthened and clarified through your various interactions and the types of information you chose to share with the people met through the various identities. This would also maximize the benefit of your various relationships, because only compatible information would be shared, unless it was with an individual who you chose to share a broader range of information.

Are you out there?

Timothy Leary is my absolute icon. There are some others who I absolutely love as well, that I truly feel ‘get it.’ In the course of my reading, as I contemplated and became more and more knowledgeable on all of these issues, I found a few other people who were among my idols, most favorite authors. After some time of reading these people, I came to find out that they were all published by one Publishing Company. That was “New Falcoln Publications,” you guys. My dream is to be an author, and it would be my absolutely perfect fantasy if I could get published by the same Company as Timothy Leary. Now, despite the fact that you published other authors who are among among my favorite, they do not mean as much to me as Timothy Leary. I feel that he is perhaps the most brilliant mind of all time. It is unbelievable to me that he gets so little recognition, in terms of real respect. Despite this, I know the best time for his legacy is still ahead of us. These men, especially Leary, were intelligent far beyond their time. Here’s the kicker, though. They’re still far ahead of the times today! As our Intelligence Increases(I^2), we will more and more recognize their incredible genius, and their work will be the guideposts along further development of knowledge and wisdom.

I hope to carry on this tradition. I have thoroughly studied, and seriously considered believing for myself, many different systems of thought. This ultimately led me to a sort of undeniable truth of the paradox. Nothing is true, therefore all things are on an equal plane of truth. “Reality Tunnels.” Timothy Leary said something along the lines of “Truth is what is subjectively true based on the wiring of the nervous system.” An open embrace of the unknown, the chaos, is clearly the guiding principle of a whole new dimension of evolution. This evolution is, of course, the activation of Post-Terrestrial Circuits of Consciousness. We now have the means, particularly the communicative technology, required to empower the masses as Reality-Creators, preparing for migration off the womb-planet. Various other scientific and technological advancements are being made, particularly quantum-physics, Neurology, the Genetic Code, imprinting(not necessarily widely accepted, in terms of accepting the imprinting theory on humans, although it is accepted with animals) of the Nervous System, especially aided through usage of certain drugs, and last, and perhaps most importantly, the Internet. The Internet is perhaps the most important invention in the history of mankind, and I am proving that now seeing as I am e-mailing the Publishing Company that published my idol, Timothy Leary, along with an attachment to a PDF file of a sort of mini-book, “The Journey”(TheJourney being my primary online name), which comes with all sorts of amazing images, colors, and fonts. If this all works out, and I am able to become successful like I know I should, it will be an absolute testament to the new Medium, the Internet. I will do everything in my power to progress Human Thought.

So I have been writing a lot, for quite some time now. I have written so much about so many different topics. Recently, my intelligence and creativity and motivation has just been off the roof. Everything is coming together so quickly, and I know that this is all meant to be. Everything works out in such a way, that the timing is undeniable. (Coincidence Control Center(C.C.C.) as I call them in my mini-book) I know it is my destiny to get in the public eye so that I can help humanity advance in incredible ways.



I think a lot of the confusion in regards to subjectivity and an objective reality comes from the understandable tendency to interpret the quantum reality in terms of our physical reality, as opposed to our physical reality in terms of the quantum reality that more accurately creates the physical reality, as opposed to being created by our physical reality. At a quantum level, the apparent solidarity in physical reality is merely a cluster of subatomic energetic probabilities, taking on a temporary form of logical geometric and linear structure in the occurrence of observation. There are an infinite number of simultaneously existing structures within the energetic probability-field, forming an infinite number of alternate realities.

How is it, then, that we inhabit the reality that we do, with all of the circumstances it entails? It is the natural result of our state of consciousness, with its various beliefs, logical structures, and definitions. In reality, there is an incredible chaos that exists, that includes all of these different potential realities. Our brain, or our consciousness, creates order out of this, and collapses the chaos into one understandable reality. It is our tendency to believe that reality as we know it is the “real” reality. This is simply not the case.

This could be called subjectivity, which many people have a problem with. It must be understood that just because there are other possibilities besides what you “know” about your reality, it does not take away from the reality or logic of it. It is to say that what really exists is an infinitely complex array of possibilities, essentially chaos, something like white noise. That does not make reality nonsensical or arbitrary. Within this chaos there exists many different logical possibilities. What you perceive is one possibility. That does not make what you know, or any of the possibilities, illegitimate. It can be perfectly logical, and observably true. It’s just to say that it not the ONLY thing that is true. This is something that tends to be tricky for people. The concept that it is possible for more than one thing to be right, and for that to not take away from the rightness of whatever it is that you think you know.

You can use technology, including various outflows of audio/visual technology, computers, internet, etc, as well as psychology, especially with the 8 circuits and everything with that, along with the use of classification techniques, and social interaction(including virtual interaction, or interaction on the internet), to basically create a perfect reality experience. This could be done through these means here and now, but also could be further developed in a H.O.M.E.(High-Orbital Mini-Earth) which could be very profitable with the advent of internet technology, since physical goods are no longer necessarily required in order to make money, which helps to provide motivation. In this H.O.M.E. you could create an entire world based on the principles you already have outlined, and literally have different areas devoted to all different forms of entertainment and stimulation. You could even have everyone in a shared collective database which could be used to setup meetings for any purpose of living out or doing any fantasy or desire imaginable. This could also, in the meantime, be used for writing stories; stories about incredible perfect realities, things that could actually happen. These stories would be particularly amazing in how prophetic they are; similar to the “Future history” concept of Timothy Leary. It would be writing about the perfect reality in a fictional sense, yet in a way that is potentially achievable in the real world; this would help garner excitement for these things, and give insight into how they can come about. Over time, we could make these “fictional” fantasies reality.

This seems like it may be the inevitable path my life will take. Through my ideas/theories, writings, technological applications, and whatever other successes I may have, I will gain an intense and widespread “following,” or base of support. This will lead to widespread acceptence and promotion of my ideas/ideals, to varying degrees of simply enjoying some of the things I do to an intense resonance and dedication to them. Ultimately all of this will culminate in an exact understanding of the perfect world, as well as the technical capabilities of bringing it about. This will all include my ideas of migration off the planet, and development of these H.O.M.E.’s. This will lead to my grouping the best humanity has to offer, in terms of my own ideals, and a migration off the planet with them to create our own perfect world. We would remain connected to the earth through communicative technology like the internet, and we would continuously and progressively mold and experience the perfect reality, and continue perfecting it. Earth, meanwhile, would be successful to whatever degree the reamining inhabitants were able, factoring in that various other H.O.M.E.’s could potentially be established. They would understand and utilize whatever they were capable of, and I assume this would increase as time went on, as they were exposed more and more to the unbelievable success and perfection of our world, and they more and more wanted it for themselves. Over time, earth would more and more be inhabited by the mundane; I think it is safe to assume, however, that as the disparity in terms of quality of life grew greater and greater between earth and the H.O.M.E.’s, even the most stubborn, who certainly would have remained on earth, will desire to see these principles enacted in full, and thus certain of the evolved space-men would want to return to earth to establish paradise there as well, with the full compliance of those who were formally resistant.

There is a sort of ingrained assumption that I would somehow need approval to make this a reality. This is, actually, not the case. No approval is required. Only three things are required. The technical capabilities, the money, and willing participants. The technical capabilities I believe already exist. The money will be easy enough to acquire once I enter the public eye, and put these ideas on the forefront of human thought. Along with this, willing participants will, of course, naturally follow. Then the money will be used, along with the brainpower, to acquire the necessary materials, and establish all the technical requirements to create a H.O.M.E., and the knowledge of how to use it. Once this is done, I need no government approval. We build it, and we go. That’s all it is. This could be done now, really. As soon as you meet the above requirements, you can literally leave the earth and have your own world.

As I gain technical proficiency in areas of computer/digital programming and the like, it seems inevitable that I will also partake in the development of Artificial Intelligence. The potential with that is virtually unlimited as well, and that could also be a part of my “fictional” stories I referenced above, with the H.O.M.E.’s.

It seems likely to me that the concept of “last names” as well as, of course, “middle names” will fade away. We will simply be called what we would like to be called. Most would likely just have a first name, and perhaps titles they would like to be given(like, for instance in our society we have dr., etc.). It is also likely that people, at least some people, would adopt more than one name, and it is likely that the different names would signify different roles which the individual would play. These names, of course, would be easily and freely changed. As I believe I alluded to before, there would be a sort of collective database of all sorts of information. People would feel comfortable being part of certain categories, or larger patterns. This would be aided by the fact that our technology would be such that people could change themselves physically and mentally how they wanted, so we would all actually be able to choose our own categories for ourselves. We could also choose the categories of those we wanted to interact with, which would assist in our being able to create the perfect scenarios. Life on this H.O.M.E. would be a nonstop, elastic, and continuously improving fantasy.

Also, the idea prior to leaving the planet would be to sort of take over the culture. This would be through movies, TV, music, books, and the internet/computers. Similar minds would absolutely take over the culture, all the while I and others would be very openly and candidly discussing my ideas, which would lead to widespread acceptence and embracing of it all. Then eventually, once this was all at the absolute forefront of human thought, we could begin leaving the planet.

We’re just young, misunderstood
Dreamin of a world in which we could
See the change we want to make
Have our words not be fake
As generations past
Whose ideals could never last

My own slice of paradise
Like minds coming together
It’s all I require
The potential I see, in you and me
That’s what I admire

This world, it’s a seed
Unable to sprout, because of greed
Togetherness, ecstatic bliss, rains down from the heavens
Love, our true nature, shines ineffable brightness
The roots are taking hold
Our birth has begun

The idea is to remove any feeling of being “pulled” towards anything. This seems to be a self-denial, but in truth it is the ultimate self-empowerment. In any given moment, there are many options of what we could be doing. To feel a pull towards something, and pursue it, SEEMS to be an act of pursuing self-interests. In fact, it is a denial of perfect self-interests. This is similar to, and in relation to, the concept of me(my self) being everything. If I am everything, which is to say I am reality itself, in its fullness, then the very act of me being pulled to something, or pursuing something, is to say that I have to work for it. If I have to work for it, then that is a concession of me being something less than the supreme. The very act of me going out of my way in pursuit of something is to say that reality RIGHT NOW(in this VERY moment. Not even a second ago) is not giving me what I want, and therefore there is some sort of separation between reality and my self. Since I am the one who is working for the thing that I am being pulled towards, that is to say that that which is outside of me is superior to me. Upon mastery of what appears to be the ultimate self-denial, there is the supreme self-empowerment. You can look at these things in terms of denial, or in terms of supreme fulfillment. So, I must lose any sort of pull to anything outside of me. Since we so associate that which we desire with things outside of us, it is very difficult to see how this is not a denial of self. I think this is one of the most difficult things to master, and something that we are constantly working to refine. If you feel a pull to something outside of you, but it is not easily giving itself to you, then it is not worth your time. I feel once you have mastered the essential concepts, and are in the process of refining the subtleties, it is best to look at these in terms of self-affirmation. To someone who does not understand, or thinks you do not understand, the underlying concepts, it may sound some sort of cocky way. But that is the point. In truth, we have moved beyond any sort of feeling of “superiority,” so now it is sometimes best to put things in these terms to make you EXCITED and HAPPY about these things. You could word the exact same thing in a different way, that would sound “nicer,” but since we’re saying the same thing we may as well say it in the most enticing way.

So, in the case that I mentioned, of being pulled to something that is not easily giving itself to you. As I said, it is not worth your time. The goal now that you have realized the supreme unity, is to yourself be the supreme in its fullness. In order for you to do this, all notions of having to work for something must be removed. If you are the supreme in its fullness, everything you want should be given to you, effortlessly. This is the experience of the supreme. Throughout all of our existence, we are constantly bending around reality, although it appears to be done out of arrogant and selfish ways. This is an important experience, as we need to experience all ways of being. But in pursuit of the supreme, it is important to understand the implications of the great unity. If all is one, then we can bend around reality, reality can bend around us, or some sort of a mix. If we are to be the supreme, and manifest the perfect reality, we would have to say that reality would completely bend around us. Reality would simply give us everything we could ever desire, without our having to go out of our way for it at all. How can this be done? The only way it could be done, is if we lose all pull to anything outside of our self. Show reality that we are ready to be the supreme, by acting supremely. If I am the supreme, then everything would WANT my attention. Therefore, for me to go out of my way for something or someone would be anti-thetical to being the supreme. I am the supreme. Therefore, I need not pursue anything else. Nothing can have any sort of pull on me, for that would just be searching for my self outside of myself, which wouldn’t make sense. Perfect this ability, which appears to be the ultimate self-denial, and watch as reality bends to your whims, thereby being the perfect self-fulfillment.

Buddhism talks about the Buddha, the Dharma, and the Sangha. They call this the Triple Gem. It is the perfect unity, that appears in three forms. Reality often is viewed in a way that could be divided into three “parts.” Buddha literally means “The Awoken One.” It cannot be said that Buddha is a person. The historical Buddha himself is recorded as having emphasized this, beyond the further Mahayana writings that make this abundantly clear. Buddha is the great unity. It could be called Buddha Nature. When you speak of “The Buddha” it is referring to the One who has awoken. “He” can be found anywhere in existence. You can either find him, or you can BE HIM. He could be looked at as the great teacher. When you yourself are in touch with “Buddha Nature” you are literally being The Buddha. Yet Buddha Nature never departs from reality, so when you are, for instance, learning from another, or reality itself, this is The Buddha reminding you of the truth.

“The truth” is what is called “The Dharma.” Although the Dharma is often expressed in words, it cannot be said to be the words themselves. It is the truth about reality itself. Therefore, it can be found anywhere in reality. When one speaks the truth, he is speaking Dharma. When you hear Dharma, think Dharma, or speak Dharma, this is the teaching of The Buddha; this is true regardless of whether you’re “being The Buddha” or interacting with The Buddha

Those who are seeking the Dharma/Truth are the Sangha. When you are in communion with another of like mind, he is of the Sangha. You could look at the Sangha as those who are working together to try to end suffering. Suffering is attachment. We seek a universal end of suffering, which is to say universal enlightenment. When we see one who is suffering, and recognize him as a fellow traveler of the Journey towards the end of suffering, we help to unhook him from his attachments, as we seek to do for ourselves. The interacting of the Sangha/Community, Dharma/Truth, and Buddha/Awoken One all come together as the great ONE, the unity of all of existence.

A Raindrop’s Journey

A raindrop falls from the sky
He journeys, knowing only that he is a drop
He approaches death, preparing for non-existence
The end comes with a splash
He is the ocean