Tag Archive: past

This is an age of transformation. This is not a transformation in space. Not some shift in power-structures, some development in popular ideology. This is an opening of the gates of time. It is a revalation of the multi-verse, the initial phase of the infinite possible realities in the space-time continuum revealing themselves to you. This present reality you find yourself in is merely a bridge. The structures of your world, your government and society, are of the past. Their time is not where YOU are from, not the true home of your consciousness.

First Wave Of Transmissions: Initiated

Though the ‘dominant-society’ you find yourself in is of past periods of Evolution, the First Wave of Transmissions from the Future have been initiated. Messages from the future are being offered to you. The first stage is only the very first glimpse, and if you don’t understand what to look for you may brush it off as nothing. In the First Wave, somewhat ‘random’ people may give you these messages, and you may rationalize it in such a way that it is just some person with some opinion, or some person with some creative expression, that doesn’t really have much impact on the world. This is just the way the information gets through in this wave.

Come to understand that every expression comes from a place that is its own reality, its own location in space-time. ‘Time’ is a simultaneous network of conscious connections, and the evolution in terms of range of things considered in these connections, and speed and efficiency of making them, sort themselves out as ‘time.’ As evolution occurs, you move from the ‘past’ to the ‘future,’ but this is just the way this simultaneous network logically sorts itself out. Everything you ever hear or see, whether it be someone talking to you or music or any other expression, consider where it comes from, on its own terms not in relation to your own perception of reality. Consider the fantastic realities that the various expressions in your reality stem from. These are the messages, and they come from those realities, which are of the future. Everything you are presented with in your reality can be traced back to its own location in time, or space-time. To follow a certain type of expression is to follow a path to its location. What path will you follow?

With the sixth circuit, brain-intelligence opens up, which is pure reception and transmission of signals. Pure experience. Reality is seen as a play of energies, in which your interpretations of these energies creates your reality. This is primarily done as a present moment mechanism in which you either receive signals that you enjoy, learn to self-confidently choose and create reality-tunnels you prefer, or actively transmit so as to link with others. 

*This is A Message from C.C.C.(Coincidence Control Center)*

Opening up the Intelligence of your Nervous System empowers you as Reality Selecter and Creator. We set up the long term coincidences according to our plans, which are based on higher circuits of consciousness yet. If you can learn to align your energies effectively, you can begin setting up your own coincidences, in the short-term. We will remain controlling long-term coincidences, but we can assist you in causing them to go in your favor.

The goal is that, over time, you will gain the necessary abilities to manage long-term coincidences yourself. Then you can take over that job. Once you gain these abilities, you no longer need to remain on the womb-planet, Earth. From here, you can increase your range of intelligence InterStellly. First you begin intelligent management of a planet. Then you can increase your range of influence to the level of a Solar System. Then to a galaxy. Then to a Universe. This, of course, is no quick evolution. All of this outward progression coincides with an inward progression into activating the Post-Terrestrial Circuits of Consciousness. Body-Intelligence, Brain-Intelligence, DNA-intelligence, Quantum-Energy-Intelligence.

*Note to Reader* AlWays Expect The UnExPeCted!



You can use technology, including various outflows of audio/visual technology, computers, internet, etc, as well as psychology, especially with the 8 circuits and everything with that, along with the use of classification techniques, and social interaction(including virtual interaction, or interaction on the internet), to basically create a perfect reality experience. This could be done through these means here and now, but also could be further developed in a H.O.M.E.(High-Orbital Mini-Earth) which could be very profitable with the advent of internet technology, since physical goods are no longer necessarily required in order to make money, which helps to provide motivation. In this H.O.M.E. you could create an entire world based on the principles you already have outlined, and literally have different areas devoted to all different forms of entertainment and stimulation. You could even have everyone in a shared collective database which could be used to setup meetings for any purpose of living out or doing any fantasy or desire imaginable. This could also, in the meantime, be used for writing stories; stories about incredible perfect realities, things that could actually happen. These stories would be particularly amazing in how prophetic they are; similar to the “Future history” concept of Timothy Leary. It would be writing about the perfect reality in a fictional sense, yet in a way that is potentially achievable in the real world; this would help garner excitement for these things, and give insight into how they can come about. Over time, we could make these “fictional” fantasies reality.

This seems like it may be the inevitable path my life will take. Through my ideas/theories, writings, technological applications, and whatever other successes I may have, I will gain an intense and widespread “following,” or base of support. This will lead to widespread acceptence and promotion of my ideas/ideals, to varying degrees of simply enjoying some of the things I do to an intense resonance and dedication to them. Ultimately all of this will culminate in an exact understanding of the perfect world, as well as the technical capabilities of bringing it about. This will all include my ideas of migration off the planet, and development of these H.O.M.E.’s. This will lead to my grouping the best humanity has to offer, in terms of my own ideals, and a migration off the planet with them to create our own perfect world. We would remain connected to the earth through communicative technology like the internet, and we would continuously and progressively mold and experience the perfect reality, and continue perfecting it. Earth, meanwhile, would be successful to whatever degree the reamining inhabitants were able, factoring in that various other H.O.M.E.’s could potentially be established. They would understand and utilize whatever they were capable of, and I assume this would increase as time went on, as they were exposed more and more to the unbelievable success and perfection of our world, and they more and more wanted it for themselves. Over time, earth would more and more be inhabited by the mundane; I think it is safe to assume, however, that as the disparity in terms of quality of life grew greater and greater between earth and the H.O.M.E.’s, even the most stubborn, who certainly would have remained on earth, will desire to see these principles enacted in full, and thus certain of the evolved space-men would want to return to earth to establish paradise there as well, with the full compliance of those who were formally resistant.

There is a sort of ingrained assumption that I would somehow need approval to make this a reality. This is, actually, not the case. No approval is required. Only three things are required. The technical capabilities, the money, and willing participants. The technical capabilities I believe already exist. The money will be easy enough to acquire once I enter the public eye, and put these ideas on the forefront of human thought. Along with this, willing participants will, of course, naturally follow. Then the money will be used, along with the brainpower, to acquire the necessary materials, and establish all the technical requirements to create a H.O.M.E., and the knowledge of how to use it. Once this is done, I need no government approval. We build it, and we go. That’s all it is. This could be done now, really. As soon as you meet the above requirements, you can literally leave the earth and have your own world.

As I gain technical proficiency in areas of computer/digital programming and the like, it seems inevitable that I will also partake in the development of Artificial Intelligence. The potential with that is virtually unlimited as well, and that could also be a part of my “fictional” stories I referenced above, with the H.O.M.E.’s.

It seems likely to me that the concept of “last names” as well as, of course, “middle names” will fade away. We will simply be called what we would like to be called. Most would likely just have a first name, and perhaps titles they would like to be given(like, for instance in our society we have dr., etc.). It is also likely that people, at least some people, would adopt more than one name, and it is likely that the different names would signify different roles which the individual would play. These names, of course, would be easily and freely changed. As I believe I alluded to before, there would be a sort of collective database of all sorts of information. People would feel comfortable being part of certain categories, or larger patterns. This would be aided by the fact that our technology would be such that people could change themselves physically and mentally how they wanted, so we would all actually be able to choose our own categories for ourselves. We could also choose the categories of those we wanted to interact with, which would assist in our being able to create the perfect scenarios. Life on this H.O.M.E. would be a nonstop, elastic, and continuously improving fantasy.

Also, the idea prior to leaving the planet would be to sort of take over the culture. This would be through movies, TV, music, books, and the internet/computers. Similar minds would absolutely take over the culture, all the while I and others would be very openly and candidly discussing my ideas, which would lead to widespread acceptence and embracing of it all. Then eventually, once this was all at the absolute forefront of human thought, we could begin leaving the planet.

There are only two shapes in existence that carry a consistent “way,” or in a mathematical sense, angle. They are the line, and the circle. I find it highly interesting that these are the two consistent shapes, for they coincide with the two ways of understanding reality. Most interpret it linearly, which correlates with the line. There have been some, like the Mayans, who interpreted reality in a cyclic sense; this, of course, coincides with the circle.

In a circle, there can be no “beginning” that contrasts with the “end.” When you truly internalize this, I think you can see where most understandings of this sort of existence have not been fully grasped. True cyclic existence cannot function in a linear manner at all. You cannot say that “this cycle” begins at “this time,” and ends at “this time,” for that would be understanding cyclical existence in terms of a linear time-structure, at least partially. Every point on a circle is what you could call the “beginning” and the “end.” Every point in time, and every thing in space, is, itself, an entire cycle. This moment is the beginning and the end of existence. Right now is the cycle of reality. You are the cycle of reality.

In a linear time-structure, all you can do is hypothesize about some sort of theoretical beginning or ending. To speak of an end, you must assume a beginning. To speak of a beginning, you must assume an end. The entire idea of a beginning and an end is predicated on the assumption that we are coming from somewhere in order to get somewhere. A cyclic existence, when properly understood, cannot really be saying anything. To even assert some sort of “cycle” that is not NOW would be to undermine the fundamentals of the premise. Therefore, when you move past this limiting linear time-structure, there is no reason to absolutely assert any idea, and sound foolish to one who has been disillusioned by their left-hemisphere thinking. It is clearly they who have not thought through what they speak of, but anything that runs contrary to their assumptions will seem, to them, to run contrary to “common sense,” since their ideas of common sense are determined by their assumptions.

Let’s think of this circle, as it represents so-called cyclic existence. Let’s break it down in terms of a straight-line way of viewing reality, as we humans like to do. This reality, and all of its points in space and time, could be looked at as a horizontal line. As long as you believe that “this reality” is the “real reality,” you will get lost as a tiny part in a never-ending sea of things, and points in time. When you stop seeing one set-in-stone reality, you get in touch with your vertical nature, which transcends this reality, and serves as a connector between many different realities. So, let’s combine all of this graphically. You have the circle, which represents cyclic existence. You then have the horizontal line, which represents limited linear existence. You then have the vertical line, which is that which transcends the horizontal reality. If you were to draw a horizontal line perpendicular to a vertical line, that would meet in the center of the circle, you would have a cross. The cross, of course, is a highly revered symbol.

I ask myself, I wonder
Where does the balance lie?
Wisdom that spans the millenia
What am I to make of evolution?
Will there come a revolution?
Exponential progression, a modern marvel
Will we flourish, or remain larval?
The future to come, there must be more
Yet modern man is empty to his core
Looking to the past, peace of mind
Thinking of what is to come, my excitement is aroused
If things pan out, the future holds no bounds
What can be said of the wise old sage?
What does he have to offer the new age?
The ancient truth remains, integration
We chart a new territory, adaptation

Oh Dreamer

Oh dreamer
The world is your mirror
Fools think themselves awake
Outdated modes of thought
Dust renders their image unrecognizable
But I recognize you, sleepwalker
Dreaming new worlds into existence
Detached from past failures
Back to sleep
Dreaming of paradise

We’re just young, misunderstood
Dreamin of a world in which we could
See the change we want to make
Have our words not be fake
As generations past
Whose ideals could never last

My own slice of paradise
Like minds coming together
It’s all I require
The potential I see, in you and me
That’s what I admire

This world, it’s a seed
Unable to sprout, because of greed
Togetherness, ecstatic bliss, rains down from the heavens
Love, our true nature, shines ineffable brightness
The roots are taking hold
Our birth has begun