Tag Archive: death

I would like to share something I have intuitively felt for quite some time, regarding the story of Jesus and Judas. It was later that I would find that it has precedent, in ancient gospels like the gospel of Judas, as well as in general with the majority of the biblical text.

I believe that the story of the crucifixion is very much a story about overcoming death. Jesus understood that he had to die. He asked Judas to have him killed. I assume that Judas originally had a very difficult time accepting this. Eventually, he did what Jesus asked of him, and eventually it would be interpreted as a betrayal. Judas later killed himself. This could have been out of guilt, or it could have been in the same vein as Jesus himself, overcoming death.

The message of Christ is Universal. It has nothing to do with any boundary which presumes a separation. The ‘good news’ is that all material/physical separation has been transcended, when death was overcome by yeshua(jesus). ‘The Kingdom,’ Perfect Reality, already exists, in a timeless realm which has been reached. When we are ready for it, through easing our own bias differentiations, we can realize it for ourself. This is how we ‘take up the cross,’ become like Christ, go into our own place, the Kingdom.

I Remain

One day I will grow old, and whither away
But don’t fret, it will be okay
For my form is simply clothing
The outer shell of who I am
Look into my eyes, gaze upon the window to my soul
Search the depths of my being, and you will find no end
The clothes may be removed, but I remain
Illusion fades away
Truth stays the same

A Raindrop’s Journey

A raindrop falls from the sky
He journeys, knowing only that he is a drop
He approaches death, preparing for non-existence
The end comes with a splash
He is the ocean